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GTS - Terrain Shader for Unity 6 is the perfect shader for beautiful Unity landscapes
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP


GTS - Terrain Shader for Unity 6 is the perfect shader for beautiful Unity landscapes.

Please note that this package is included with the World Building Bundle for Unity 6 & Gaia Pro VS at a 30% discount on purchasing all components individually.


Upgrade to GTS for amazing, realistic terrains!

Unity terrains can be difficult to texture and light, and they often look flat and unrealistic. Other terrain shaders are either too complex or not adjustable in real time. GTS is the perfect solution. Our shader is easy to use, yet provides amazing results.

How it works

1. Create and texture your terrain.

2. Open up the GTS window and apply a GTS profile to your terrain.

3. Edit your profile and see your terrain update in real-time.

Main features

  • Detail injection - add detail to break up tiling and add interest
  • Geo injection - add sedimentary formation on selected textures
  • Height blending - blend textures together based on their relative height
  • Snow injection - add snow to your terrain, integrated with Gaia
  • Tesselation - make your rocks pop with tesselation (HDRP only)
  • Texture variation - add visual interest to your terrain render
  • Stochastic variation - remove texture tiling with stochastic variation
  • Triplanar cliffs - preserve texture detail on vertical surfaces
  • Mesh support - run GTS on pure mesh-based terrains
  • Low poly support - works great with low poly terrains
  • API/runtime support - change render settings at runtime.

NOTE: For mesh support, you must first configure GTS on a Unity terrain, and then convert that terrain to a mesh terrain. Gaia has a handy feature to do this, and mesh terrains are usually quite a lot faster than unity terrain.

Integrated snow & weather Support

GTS is nicely integrated into Gaia and our new HDRP Time of Day system. Changing weather now works seamlessly across all Procedural Worlds tools... from terrain to grass to trees, rocks, snow and rain!

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Press or media - please email marketing@procedural-worlds.com

About Procedural Worlds:

At Procedural Worlds, our mission is to empower people to create, automate and navigate worlds. Our products are integrated, supported, and easy to use.

Procedural Worlds is an award winning publisher with the following Unity awards and certifications:

2025 - Gaia Pro VS - Gaia is now a Unity Verified Solution

2024 - Gaia Pro 2023 - WINNER of 16th Unity Awards Best Development Tool

2023 - Procedural Worlds - FINALIST of 15th Unity Awards Best Publisher

2020 - Gaia Pro - WINNER of Unity Awards 2020 for Best Artistic Tool

2018 - GeNa - FINALIST of Unity Awards 2018

2017 - CTS - FINALIST of Unity Awards 2017

With our team and our tools, we service indies, professionals, and enterprises to deliver custom software and environments. Our special power is the combination of our deep procedural and AI powered technology stack, and our amazing team of experts. For specialized help, or customized tools then please contact us.

We are a Unity Partner, Intel Graphics Innovator, and have been a top asset store publisher since first launching Gaia in 2015. Our reviews, and the fact that we read and respond to them all, testify to our ongoing dedication to product and service excellence.

GTS - Terrain Shader for Unity 6

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