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Digger PRO is a smart voxel terrain tool that enhances Unity terrains without the downsides of full-voxel engines. It is the result of 8 years of experience writing voxel solutions for Unity.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Digger PRO supports:

  • Unity 2022.3 or higher (including Unity 6)
  • Built-in render pipeline
  • URP 14 and 17
  • HDRP 14 and 17
  • MicroSplat (requires MicroSplat Digger module. Note: the MicroSplat Digger module is not compatible with some other MicroSplat modules. Read MicroSplat documentation for more details)

Digger PRO sets itself apart with its smart and efficient design, making it user-friendly, extremely fast, and adaptable.

Unlike its fully-voxel counterparts, Digger PRO harmoniously integrates with Unity's built-in terrain system, strategically creating seamless meshes only in required areas. At its core, Digger harnesses the power of voxels and Marching Cubes to generate these meshes. However, its unique strength lies in blending the voxel terrain with the existing terrain rather than completely replacing it, offering a seamless and balanced integration.

✨ Voxels are used only where they are needed, which makes it faster and lighter than classical full voxel terrain engines. The best part of this is that it lets you keep using your favorite terrain tools!

⚡️ The Burst compiler and Unity jobs are extensivly used to make Digger blazingly fast.

Demo | Doc | Discord | Lite version (no realtime)

Want to make blocky (Minecraft) terrains with Digger? Or low poly style? Check out our new tool PolyTerrain!

Digger PRO will make you feel like you have a voxel terrain in your hands, without the downsides of it. If you need to make caves, drill, excavate, shovel, or more generally, shape your terrains in all dimensions, this tool is made for you. It actually turns your standard terrains into fully destructible terrains.

With this tool, you will be able to:

Dig in real-time, at runtime.

Update NavMesh at runtime.

Persist and load at runtime.

➤ Dig in your Unity terrain just like if it was a smooth voxel terrain.

➤ Create overhangs (the opposite of digging).

➤ Apply different textures on the overhangs, in the caves, etc.

Key features:

Digger PRO has all Digger features + real-time / in-game editing support.

➤ Realtime editing powered by Unity's JobSystem and Burst.

➤ 🔥 NEW: support lightmapping

➤ 🔥 Advanced Operations module is now included by default!

➤ Async editing at runtime to avoid FPS drops

➤ NavMesh update at runtime

➤ Easy to setup (see setup instructions) and easy to use

➤ Dig/add mater on terrain

➤ Paint textures on cave meshes

➤ Paint/unpaint holes on cave meshes so you can integrate your own underground meshes

➤ Automatic collision solver

➤ Automatic LOD groups creation

➤ Multi-terrains support

➤ Use your own mesh as a custom brush

➤ Compatible with any Unity terrain, whether it was made by hand, with Gaia, MapMagic, TerrainComposer or any other tool

Enhance Digger with the Advanced Operations module

➤ Create blocky or lowpoly style terrains with PolyTerrain (fully integrated with Digger PRO)


➤ Bonus: adds advanced triplanar mapping to built-in terrain shaders.

Standard terrain shader.

URP 14 and 17 terrain shader.

HDRP 14 and 17 terrain shader.

MicroSplat (requires MicroSplat Digger module. Note: the MicroSplat Digger module is not compatible with some other MicroSplat modules. Read MicroSplat documentation for more details)

Other features:

➤ Full undo/redo support in editor

➤ Lets you set higher resolution for Digger generated meshes

➤ 'Sync & Refresh' button to recompute everything (useful if terrain textures or terrain heights changed)

➤ 'Clear' button to remove all modifications made with the tool

➤ Remove grass and details automatically

➤ Persists modifications on the fly


Digger PRO requires Unity 2022.3 or a more recent version. It also requires Burst, AI Navigation and Collections packages.

Technical details

For more information, check out the documentation.

If you have any question, please join us on Discord!

Digger PRO - Voxel enhanced terrains

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File size
36.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Dec 14, 2024
Original Unity version
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