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TilePlus Toolkit (TPT) is a unique way to work with Tilemaps with a library of new types of tiles and a Tile chunking system. Tile+Painter is a new Tile Painter and Editor for any type of tile.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Using Package Manager, please ensure that the 2D Tilemap Editor package is added to your project before installing TilePlus Toolkit.

Chunking: Version 4 includes a new top-down Tilemap Chunking system: dynamically load and unload chunks of tiles on multiple Tilemaps as your character moves around. Includes support for "Tile Scenes" which can be quickly loaded with a simple method call.

TilePlus Painter: a new way to paint Tiles on Unity Tilemaps.

Painter is a different sort of Tilemap painting and editing tool.

Just like the Unity Tilemap Editor (UTE) you can paint single tiles or groups of tiles from a Palette.

Unlike the UTE, you can paint Prefabs, custom single- or multiple-Tilemap archives and perform complex transform modifications. There’s even a persistent Favorites list.

And Much More™

Painter is an UIElements-based editor window with three modes: Paint, Edit, and Grid.

In Paint mode, Painter presents lists of Tilemaps, and lists of Sources (including Unity Palettes, archived Tilemaps, and a Favorites List) rather than a Palette and Brushes. Select a map in the left column’s list and a source in the center column’s list, then a third list in the rightmost column presents the Objects (as in UnityEngine.Object) available to paint. Paintable Objects include tiles, tile Bundles, TileFabs, Prefabs, and Multiple-Selection “Picks.”

For Unity Palettes, the rightmost column can show the same display as the Unity Tilemap Editor.

Painter also supports selection of groups of tiles called “Picks” which are selections of tiles from within the Scene view or on a displayed Palette. Picks can be saved as Favorites or transformed into Bundles. Picks can be flipped and rotated as a group or as individual tiles (or both).

Edit mode is used to edit individual tiles. Click on a Tilemap in the leftmost list and the center list displays all the tiles on that Tilemap. Click on an individual tile, or Pick one from the scene, and you can edit it.

Grid mode comprises utilities for creating, managing, viewing, and using Grid Selections in various ways.

TilePlus: Scriptable and editable tiles that are saved with the scene.

Have you ever wanted to have your tiles actually do some work at runtime? Sure, you can subclass Tile, then and add code and fields to a tile class, but roadblocks emerge:

  • The standard brush's Inspectors only recognize the fields of a standard Tile class.
  • If a custom brush is created that recognizes your fields, editing your painted tile will affect the original tile asset in the Project folder.
  • Which means that changing the fields of one tile affects all painted tiles based on that same original tile asset.
  • Tiles can't run coroutines.

Unlike normal tiles, modifying fields after painting does not alter the original tile asset. Each painted tile is completely independent of every other painted tile. This opens new possibilities for working with tiles and requires no changes to the standard Tilemap system.

Custom fields

Most common fields are supported for editing.


Enhanced Selection and Brush inspectors.


Alternative tile Palette optimized for the TilePlus system as well as normal Unity tiles.

Sample tiles include:

  • Tiles with flexible animation capabilities including stop/start and change animation.
  • Tiles with linked prefabs. Paint prefabs from the tile Palette.
  • Spawner Tiles for spawning prefabs or tiles, with pooling. Create a trigger zone in-editor and spawn at the tile position or elsewhere. Spawn tiles on the same or any other tilemap.
  • Zone loaders: load new sections of your tilemap. Create a trigger zone in-editor, load groups of tiles to one or more tilemaps.
  • "And more"

These tiles can have references to GameObjects, components, asset files, and so on. You can create your own tiles based on this system, with your own fields, properties, and methods.

Compatible: TilePlus tiles and normal Unity tiles coexist with no issues.

Includes complete Source code and example projects.


  • Over 70 pages of User and Programmer guides
  • HTML and .CHM API refrerences

Third-Party information: see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

  • This asset uses "Spritelib" under Common Public License.
  • This asset uses "Kenney" under CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication
  • This asset uses "Overaction" under CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication

Technical details


  • UIElements-based Tilemap Editor
  • Paint Individual tiles or groups of tiles from TileBundles and TileFabs.
  • Paint prefabs.
  • Edit tiles from a list or pick from the Scene.
  • Display Unity palettes as Lists or in a Grid.
  • Enhanced use of multiple selections including archiving, rotating as a group or as individual tiles, and changing the pivot.
  • Persistent Favorites list.
  • Extensively customizable via Settings pane.

TilePlus Toolkit:

Extends Unity's native Tilemaps with new types of tiles:

  • TpAnimatedTile: A simple animated tile.
  • TpFlexAnimatedTile: An Animated tile that allows choice of animations from an asset.
  • TpSlideShow: A tile that can change its sprite via code using a list of sprites in an asset.
  • TpPrefab: A tile with a linked prefab. Paint prefabs directly from the palette.
  • TpAnimatedZoneBase: Base class used to create rectangular zones on a map.
  • TpAnimatedZoneLoader: Subclass of the above used for loading Tilemaps.
  • TpAnimatedZoneSpawner. Subclass used to spawn prefabs or paint tiles.
  • Create your own tiles!

Chunking System: supports top-down games and loading of multiple “Tile Scenes” or TScenes within one Unity scene. There’s also a handy UIElements based Tile-scene manager that lets you easily load TScenes without dealing with the underlying complexity.

There are no changes to the existing Unity Tilemaps system.

  • Each TPT Tile has its own instance data. Any Unity-Serializable type is fine.
  • Position-independent access by Type, Interface, Tags, with filtering. Simple messaging and Events systems.
  • All the tile instance data is saved in the Scene. No external data store required. No effect to or changes to any Unity components such as Tilemap or Grid.
  • Simple Async-based timed callbacks can be used in TPT Tile code.
  • Your fields and properties can be decorated with attributes and edited in TPT inspectors with a new brush or within Tile+Painter.
  • A prefab pooler (with preloading) that can be used with spawners or for any other purpose.
  • DOTween supported for the color, size, or position of a tile’s sprite.
  • Multiple-layered Tilemaps can be preserved in total or subject to a Grid Selection, then painted on a Tilemap and/or loaded at runtime. This can be used in the provided basic Chunking system for filling/deleting arbitrary-sized areas as the camera moves. Tilemaps can also be preserved as Prefabs.
  • Complete, documented source is included.

TilePlus Painter and TilePlus Toolkit

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31.7 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 15, 2025
Original Unity version
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