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Zibra Liquid is an extension designed to simplify interactive liquid VFX creation. Make your virtual worlds immersive with real-time simulation and physics.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

BRP: Works out of the box.

URP: You need to add URP Liquid Render Components to your URP Renderer setting and enable Depth buffer.

HDRP: Works out of the box.

Please see User Guide for more details.


📌📌 Unity 6 is not fully supported

Note: when updating Zibra Liquid from the Package Manager, please remove the old version before importing the new version (you will need to close the Editor and manually remove files of the old version).

🌊 Zibra Liquid is an extension for real-time 3D liquid simulation, that enables the creation of realistic liquid physics and game mechanics based on interactive liquid.

Powered by a custom physics simulation and AI-based technology for neural object representations, it makes working with liquid fast and easy.

Zibra Liquid delivers unparalleled performance across a range of devices, from mobile devices such as the iPhone 6s, all the way to high-end desktop GPUs like the RTX 4090.

If you require VR support it’s available in a more advanced version of our product: Zibra Effects.

Our solution has an intuitive UI, and is equipped with a wide range of features, as well as multiple visual and physical parameters to customize the look and behavior of the liquid according to your needs.

Looking for a ready-to-use solution? Choose from a gallery of premade assets for easy integration.

Read more about Zibra Liquid here.

Feature set:

  • Real-time 3D liquid simulation
  • AI-accelerated interaction with static and skinned meshes
  • Apply force to the liquid with Force Fields - Radial, Directional, and Swirl
  • Many physical and visual parameters (viscosity, density, surface tension, color, metalness, etc.)
  • Multiple liquid types and liquid mixing support
  • Foam simulation
  • Liquid initial state baking

Check out the complete list of features and parameters in the User Guide.

How can you benefit from Zibra Liquid?

✅ Create performant 3D simulations for different game genres (Action, Adventure, RPG, FPS, Shooter, Survival, Sandbox, Open World, Puzzle etc.)

✅ Improve your game with brand-new game mechanics.

✅ Elevate immersivity with interactive elements of gameplay.

✅ Setup up high quality simulation for high-end PCs, and with simple parameters change, run scaled-down version of same simulation on mobile devices.

✅ Easily create complex simulations with simple & intuitive UI.

Read more here.

Supported platforms:

  • Windows
  • UWP
  • macOS
  • iOS
  • Android

Standalone VR devices are not supported.

Please see Technical details below for additional technical requirements.

Support and Community

💬 You can get an answer to any question in just 24 hours. Feel free to contact us on our Discord server.

✉️ Do you prefer email? Not a problem - you can contact us here.

📄 Perhaps your questions are already covered in the User Guide.

🎞️ Tutorials and demos are available on YouTube.

ℹ️ Check our blog for the latest updates and information about Zibra Liquid and other upcoming products of our company.

Follow us: Discord | YouTube | LinkedIn | Twitter | Medium

Technical details

Editor platforms:


  • Supported Graphic API: DX11, DX12, Vulkan
  • Supported CPU Architectures: x64


  • Supported APIs: Metal
  • Supported CPU Architectures: x64, arm64

Build platforms:


  • Supported Graphic API: DX11, DX12, Vulkan
  • Supported CPU Architectures: x64


  • Supported Graphic API: DX11, DX12
  • Supported CPU Architectures: x64


  • Supported Graphic API: Metal
  • Supported CPU Architectures: x64, arm64


  • Supported Graphic API: Metal
  • Supported CPU Architectures: arm64
  • Supported OS: iOS 12 or later
  • Supported Devices: iPhone 6s or newer (Metal GPU Family Apple3 or higher)
  • Supported Xcode versions: 14.2 or newer
  • iOS Simulator is unsupported
    • You can run iOS build on Apple Silicon instead


  • Supported Graphic APIs: OpenGL ES 3.2, Vulkan
    • Vulkan is strongly recommended, we may remove OpenGL support in future updates
  • Supported CPU Architectures: armv7, arm64
  • Supported OS: Android 7.0 or later
  • Meta Quest 2 and Pro are not supported

VR is not supported in this version

If you need VR support consider Zibra Effects.

Unity version: 2021.3 or later (the latest patch version is recommended)

Supported Render Pipelines: Built-in RP (BRP), URP, HDRP

📲 Note on Android device support:

We recommend using Vulkan API instead of OpenGL ES to get the best performance. The liquid is meant to be used on modern high-end devices released after 2019.

Check the mobile GPU performance table to see which GPUs and devices are supported.

You can also run the simulation with our Android benchmark demo (apk) to check how it works on your target devices and see the basic stats. We've made our own tests which you can see here.

Zibra Liquid

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License type
File size
76.8 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 22, 2024
Original Unity version
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