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Sticky3D Controller is a kinematic first and third person VR-ready character controller that can interact with objects in your game.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

To install the HDRP and URP packages, go to the SRP folder and look at the readme file.


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Sticky3D Controller, or S3D for short, is a kinematic first- and third-person humanoid character controller. S3D can be considered a “capsule” controller in that the character’s model will mostly occupy an area that has a capsule-like shape. With this asset we endeavour to save you many hours of development time and to help you solve common game play problems.

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Seamlessly enter and exit other moving rigidbodies

Stick to moving and rotating objects while performing “regular” actions

Be controlled by player with Sticky Input Module

Act as an NPC and be controlled by your game

Be controlled by a NavMesh Agent

Switch between first person and third person zoomable cameras

Walk, sprint, strafe, jump, crawl, crouch, and lie down

Jet Pack with 6 degrees of freedom

Configurable third person zoom

Conditionally send data to your animator controller with no coding required

Be configured and controlled via code using our API methods

Interact / push dynamic rigidbody objects

Be pushed by other objects

Walk up and down steps and slopes

Footstep sounds and surface actions

Align to ground normal

React to configurable gravity

Override configuration based on zones within scene

Perform custom actions and animations based on player input

Work with your own character humanoid models

Work with your own humanoid animations

Take input from (new or legacy) Unity Input System, keyboard & mouse, or Rewired

Look at objects or other S3D characters with Head IK

Display information like messages or gauges in a UI for the player

Look at, touch, grab, drop, equip, socket, stash, activate, read, lay on, sit on, and/or select interactive objects

Interactive objects, including weapons and magazines, can react to custom gravity

Configure phonemes, facial emotions and reactions for blendshapes

Replace animation clips at runtime

Pooling system for generic objects

Popup menus for interactive-enabled objects

Supports first-person Virtual Reality (continuous move, snap turn, teleportation and interaction)

Use hand-held projectile and laser-beam weapons

Documented C# APIs included

What people are saying

"This is the, in my opinion, the best First and Third Person Character Controller for Unity."

"Excellent interface. Really easy to use and set up, very intuitive."

NEW Prone and crawl with demo animations

NEW Task Module for Sit and Lie down operations

NEW Amy, Bryce, Jeff, and Kate stylised animated characters

NEW Shape Module with APIs for facial emotions and reactions

NEW Weapon System - in Technical Preview

NEW VR support with object interaction

NEW Head, Hand, and Foot IK

NEW Climbing - in Technical Preview

NEW Compatible with Mixamo characters and animations

NEW Compatible with UMA characters

NEW Compatible wtih Toon Series

NEW Add interactive-enabled objects to games

NEW Generic Pooling System - in Technical Preview

This asset uses demo textures and sounds under Creative Commons CCO Universal License; see Third-Party_Notices.txt file in package for details.

Other compatible products by SCSM:

Sci-Fi Ship Controller

SSC Expansion Pack 1

SSC Seamless

Landscape Builder

LB Enviro Pack 1

Compatible Bundles Available

Landscape Builder and Sci-Fi Ship Controller

Landscape Builder and LB Enviro Pack 1

Sticky3D Controller

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File size
404.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 18, 2025
Original Unity version
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