Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
On a ~50% discount for a limited time! Was previously $33.50.
Get the Mobile Drift Physics version FREE with this asset
Simple Drift Physics is a AAA motorsport all in one package
With HDRP Support
Kickstart your drift racing game with a package which includes ready-to-go drivable pack of cars and a parking lot environment!
Vehicle and Environment model details have been given in the end of this description.
Very well 15 page documentation explaining all components. An advanced section for developers also included.
All new assisted style of arcade drifting inspired by popular simulator games.
Free of cost updates, bug fixes, improvements, and much more!
Example Scene Details
Vehicle PolyCount Details :
Vertices : 20k-40k
Tris : 10k-20k
Texture Resolutions :
Skins : 2k
Maximum Res : 4k
Collision Meshes : Few meshes have colliders generated. Developer can select meshes and add mesh collider component manually.
Objects : Separated objects on texture basis .
Textures, Maps & Materials : Different objects have different textures and materials using Unity's standard shaders. (RP specific)
For latest version changes, please switch to the releases tab
Vehicle and Environment Included:
6x Vehicles & 5x Tyres Types
1x Parking Lot Environment
Model Exclusion Note:
Drift environment and vehicles in the first, second and third videos are not included.
The resources and assets used for the first video are
Simple Drift Physics [This asset]
Simple Livery Creator [for the yellow japanese livery of the vehicle]
Motorsport Environment [For the racing track environment]
Post Processing Package v1 [SSR] [Free]
Simple Spin Blur [For the smooth spinning tires] [Free]
Detailed Tires [custom tires][Free]
The resources and assets used for the second video are
Simple Drift Physics