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Obi is an advanced particle-based physics engine capable of simulating a wide range of deformable material behaviors, capable of running both in the CPU and the GPU. (CPU mode depends on the Burst, Jobs, Collections, and Mathematics packages, GPU mode requires compute shader support).

With Obi Softbody you can simulate complex elastoplastic softbodies composed of thousands of polygons, complete with collisions, self-collisions and rigid body interaction.

Softbodies are physically represented by a set of ellipsoidal particles held together by shape-matching constraints. This way, they can deform both elastically (restoring their rest shape) or plastically (absorbing some of the deformation into their rest shape).

Disclaimer: this is not a clay/mesh sculpting tool, and is not suitable as a starting point to make one. Does not support topological changes in the meshes such as cutting/tearing.


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- Advanced oriented-particle XPBD solver.

- One-click softbody generation.

- Turn entire objects into softbodies, as well as specific parts of characters.

- Softbodies can deform plastically: part of the deformation is absorbed into their rest shape. They can also recover from plastic deformation. - Unconditionally stable: the simulation will never blow up.

- Two-way rigid body interaction: softbodies will react to rigidbodies and vice-versa.

- Modular solver: don't waste performance, only use the constraints your softbody needs.

- Per module adjustable solver iteration count.

- Works with all kinds of meshes, even non-manifold ones. - Any part of a softbody can be attached to any collider/rigidbody, using rotating as well as fixed orientation links.

- Self and inter-collisions: softbodies can collide with themselves and other softbodies. - Automatic camera culling: non-visible softbodies won't consume resources.

- Easily extensible and modular architecture.

Obi Softbody

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Latest release date
Mar 12, 2025
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