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iMSTK is a free & open source C++ toolkit for prototyping of interactive multi-modal surgical simulations. The iMSTK Unity asset provides classes that allow the use of iMSTK features inside of unity, those are amongst others various rigid and deformable models, collision detection and response, geometric importers and filters. The asset allows you to easily integrate iMSTK into surgical simulations built in Unity. iMSTK and the iMSTK Unity Asset are open source with an Apache 2.0 license for flexible integration for all users.
The asset currently does not include the iMSTK Openhaptics support. To enable this functionality you will need to build iMSTK from the source. Note that the high detail image on this page is not part of the package, it's a screen shot of one of our projects that utilizes iMSTK Unity.
This asset uses the following open source libraries: AssImp, Eigen, G3Log, Thread Building Blocks, VegaFem, VRPN and VTK. For licenses see the accompanying NOTICE.txt