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Developing a racing car game by using Car Controller Pro is very easy and fast. I made all the necessary scripts and assets that you need to make a car 3D model drivable.

This is the Pro version of Car Controller Lite

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I developed this asset by focusing on mobile device platforms so it comes with different touch input methods for controlling a car with mobile device inputs and sensors. It saves you a lot of time and effort and you can focus your time and energy on designing and publishing your racing game. All the scripts are concise and easy to understand. I'll show you how to setup each car with different behavior and properties such as speed, acceleration and handling.

Technical details

1. Car Controller Pro script for making a car model drivable. Very efficient and easy to expand. It’s ready to run on mobile devices.

2. Touch input controllers for mobile devices. Four different methods for getting input from the user are implemented. Keyboard, touch keys, gyroscope(tilt) and touch wheel.

3. Scene manager scripts with loading scene. I implemented a scene manager for going between game scenes. You can use it in any type of games.

4. Camera manager script for changing the camera in play mode.

5. Speedometer script with a nice UI

6. Graphic quality manager script to change the graphic settings in play mode.

7. A nice and optimized racetrack 3D model that runs smoothly on cheap mobile devices.

8. Three high quality and optimized 3D car models with interior.

9. A nice skybox.

10. Two double sided material(shader). One for diffuse and one for transparent objects.

Car Controller Pro (Mobile Ready)

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File size
27.8 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jun 18, 2020
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