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Wet Stuff makes it easy to instantly make any surface appear wet; simply place decals into the scene and surfaces within will appear wet. Decals can be configured with a powerful set of tools and animated using timeline to simulate many effects such as water buildup, puddles drying out, slightly damp surfaces and more - all without modifying any textures, materials or shaders.
* Instantly make any surface appear wet
* Easy to use decal system
* VR Support
* Create wet surfaces at runtime
* Automatically creates splashes from particles systems
* Powerful configuration system to create a range of effects such as:
** Rain splatters
** Puddles growing and drying over time
** Leaking Pipes
* Enviro Integration
* Unistorm Integration
Wet Stuff requires cameras using `Rendering Path: Deferred`. Wet Stuff does not currently support the URP or HDRP renderers - if you're interested in using Wet Stuff with either of these renderers please subscribe to this issue for updates.
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Wet Stuff
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License agreement
Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
File size
110.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 3, 2021
Original Unity version
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