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The 3D Clone Maker Kit copies prefabs into configurable patterns in three dimensions. Along with tools like Randomizer, Morph Modifier, and Rotation Effects, the kit can produce interesting representations of data, functional designs, or naturally occurring phenomena potentially at massive scales. The Clone Maker Kit can help you with the following: • Eliminate repetitive tasks or configuring and placing multiple objects on a scene • Easily configure patterns for environmental or visual effects • Provide as a Data Visualization for Three Dimensional presentations • Provide access to patterns, such as the Fibonacci Series, to reproduce the naturally occurring phenomena. Makers, Effects and Modifiers The Radial and Grid Makers clone objects in rows and columns in radial or grid shapes, respectively. The Morph Modifier and Randomizer can modify all the elements at once in the array. Rotation Effects and Morph Modifier provide animation effects. These in conjunction tools can be used to instantly create a crowd, a field, a city block, a kaleidoscope, or the blossoming of a flower in which this software became inspired. How does it do it? The Grid and Radial Makers copies prefabs into patterns. The elements are arranged in rows and columns. Incremental rows circle outwards in the Radial Maker. Transform parameters are exposed providing creative, expressive, and useful functionality.

3D Clone Maker Toolkit

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Jan 4, 2021
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