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GraphQL tool with sources for Unity. GraphQL queries, mutations and subscriptions can be executed over HTTP or Websockets. Additional support for the OPC UA Automation Gateway and WinCC Unified.

GraphQL queries can be executed over a HTTP or a Websocket connection and the JSON result can be read directly from the Query object as a JSON variable or the result can be mapped to a structured set of GameObjects.

With Real-Time subscription it's the best fit for multi player games and the Metaverse. It supports Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions for real time updates. And it automatically re-subscribes Subscriptions if the WebSocket connection got lost.

Also works with AWS AppSync and Real-Time Subscriptions.

Works on all major platforms, Desktop, iOS, Android, HoloLens, WebGL, ...

This package includes all sources of the GraphQL for Unity package!

And it has additional Unity Objects for the OPC UA over GraphQL Open-Source Automation Gateway and for the SIEMENS WinCC Unified GraphQL.

Create amazing 3D HMIs for your machines and factories with this connection to your factory data. This package gives you access to OPC UA data provided by the Open-Source Automation Gateway based on a GraphQL HTTP or Websocket connection and also to data from the SIEMENS WinCC Unified GraphQL Server.

It supports OPC UA browsing and can create Unity GameObjects for the OPC UA nodes, so that the data can be accessed in a simple way in Unity. You can read and write OPC UA values, subscriptions are also supported.

Add this OPC UA Automation Gateway interface to your scene, browse OPC UA nodes and subscribe to OPC UA variables. The Unity GameObjects are automatically updated with the current values from the factory.

Note: The OPA UA connection only works with the Open-Source Automation Gateway.

Technical details
  • GraphQL Queries and Mutations
  • GraphQL Subscriptions for realtime updates
  • HTTP or Websocket communication
  • JSON Result mapping to GameObjects
  • Unity Event for result data processing
  • HTTP communication also works in WebGL
  • Native JavaScript WebSocket support in WebGL
  • Supports AWS AppSync Real-Time Subscriptions

GraphQL for Unity Pro

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File size
1.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 16, 2024
Original Unity version
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