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♦ Combine meshes with a single click, or method call. Useable in Editor and during Runtime.


✔ 2021.3.30+ HDRP
- Atlases BaseColorMaps, NormalMaps, and MaskMaps; and has slider control properties for Metallic, Smoothness, and Ambient Occlusion for the HDRP/Lit material. Map types have the option to be excluded.
✔ 2021.3.30+ URP
- Atlases BaseMap, Normal, Specular, and Occlusion maps for the URP/Lit material. Map types have the option to be excluded.
✔ 2021.3.30+ Standard
- Atlases Diffuse, Normal, Specular, and Occlusion maps for the Standard material. Map types have the option to be excluded.

♦ Combines any number of skinned meshes, with any number of materials, into a single mesh, utilizing a single material, with texture atlases for your Diffuse, Normal, Specular, and Occlusion maps. (BaseColorMap, NormalMap, and MaskMaps in HDRP; with slider control properties for Metallic, Smoothness, and Ambient Occlusion).
♦ This is an ideal tool for games requiring multiple, interchangable armors, or any number of character appearance options - easily combine all of your customizations into one.
♦ Not limited to humanoid characters. Any skinned meshes utilizing any animation type will work just as well.

Save Data
♦ You may also SAVE all mesh, texture, and material data, with just a single click. All data will be saved directly to your project, and create a working prefab of your character. Hence being the perfect tool for creating optimized NPCs.
♦ Save any Texture, Material, Mesh, or Prefab to your project:
SaveCharacterData.SaveAsPrefab(GameObject myObject, string path);
SaveCharacterData.SaveTexture(Texture2D myTexture, string path);
SaveCharacterData.SaveMaterial(Material myMaterial, string path);
SaveCharacterData.SaveMesh(Mesh myMesh, string path);

♦ If your character uses BlendShapes, the blendshape values will be baked into the new mesh. However, blendshape values do not carry over to the new mesh so they can not be modified after they are combined. (Unless disassembled).

♦ You may disable your combined mesh, with no harm done to the original meshes.
♦ Your character will remain completely compatible with its animations.
⚠ Your materials may be modified if 'Auto-Force Standard Material' is enabled, or a texture is added through 'Fill Missing Textures'.
⚠ Your textures import settings may be adjusted if 'Auto-Force Read/Write' is enabled, but no modifications are ever done to the actual image.

New Features
♦ Now automactially generates textures to fill missing ones.
♦ Now automactially resizes textures if necessary (if not all textures on the material are the same size).
♦ Material color value is now baked into the diffuse textures.
♦ Incompatible sub-meshes will now be instanced separately, instead of excluding the entire skinned mesh from the combine. These instances will utilize new mesh data, yet retain the same project material.
♦ You now have the option to instance transparent materials. This is ideal when the majority of your character requires an opaque or cut-out shader, but still has transparent materials for things like eye glossiness.

♦ Does not handle Cloth physics. If you have meshes that use Cloth physics, use the 'Exclude Cloth' option to exclude this mesh from the combine or the mesh will not deform properly.
♦ Does not support blendshapes (blendshapes will be baked into the combined mesh).
♦ Your model(s) must have Read/Write enabled in the Import Settings.
♦ Does not support custom shaders. Any mesh containing a material that does not use the proper shader will be instanced separately from the combine. An option is provided to force all materials to use the appropriate shader. View the demo video for an example of this occurrence.
♦ As displayed in the video(s), it is possible for the combining of the character to take a split second or so. This it dependent on the amount of resources the combiner is up against, including number of materials, texture sizes, as well as output size of the atlases and whether or not color baking is involved (if material color property is used). However if these resources are not too high, the combine may be virtually instant. Please be aware of this if using the combiner in game rather than in editor.

Support is always available! Please don't hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions!


Multi-Material Atlasing - Skinned Mesh Combiner - With Data Save

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Multi-Material Atlasing - Skinned Mesh Combiner - With Data Save