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Fluffy is a complete grooming solution fur and short hair in the Unity Editor. It also supports Alembic hair and fur created in third party applications.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Fluffy Grooming Tool works with Built-in, HDRP and URP. Custom examples for all rendering pipelines are included.


Both strand based and card based fur is supported. The hair shading is based on Disney's Marschner model and the solution supports all 3 rendering pipelines. The tool works in a similar way as Maya's xGen and similar solutions.

Fluffy supports alpha sorting so you can use transparent materials with correct z-sorting. It works with any shader, so you don't have to create any custom shaders to use it. The solution has gravity, wind, physics and colliders built in and the simulations are done using compute shaders so it's very fast.

You can make everything from AAA grooms for high end PC's and consoles to simpler fur that works well on mobile devices.

Blend shapes and HDRP ray tracing also works out of the box.

The grooms you create can also be exported to a mesh/skinnedMesh so it can be used to create bushes, grass patches and so on. This option also lets you use it on platforms that don't support compute shaders. There is also LOD & frustum culling support.

Fluffy includes a large selection of brushes and features for grooming: Length, Width, Rotate Root, Orient, Twist, Attract, Smooth, Reset, Mask, Mask Clumps, Raise, Motion & Wind, Color painting.

The fur or hair can be added and groomed in separate layers and you can add multiple layers of clumping.

In addition to the in engine grooming solution, Fluffy also supports Alembic grooms so you can import hair and fur from third party applications like Maya, Blender etc. and render it in Unity. The Alembic functionality is currently in beta, meaning it hasn't gone through the same beta testing period as the Fluffy Grooming Editor.

NOTE: This asset requires minimum Unity version 2021.2.

Documentation: link

Technical details
  • Strand based or card based fur and short hair.
  • All rendering pipelines supported with custom shaders for each platform: Built-in, HDRP and URP. URP has an additional Toon Shader.
  • Any material is supported, so no custom shaders are needed.
  • Custom hair shaders for all rendering pipelines. URP and Built-in use a Marschner shading model, while HDRP use the Shader Graph hair node.
  • Any kind of Alpha Material is supported with correct alpha sorting done on the GPU.
  • A complete grooming solution to any kind of fur.
  • Gravity, wind and physics supported.
  • Everything is based on compute shaders so its fast.
  • LOD & frustum culling support.
  • Sphere and capsule colliders supported.
  • Multiple fur layers and clumping, all in one drawcall.
  • The fur painter currently has the following brushes: Length, Width, Rotate Root, Orient, Twist, Attract, Smooth, Reset, Mask, Mask Clumps, Raise, Motion & Wind, Color painting.
  • Mirror painting mode and selection lock.
  • Supports mobile through Metal(iOS) and Android(Vulkan).
  • Metal, Vulkan, DX11, DX12.
  • Ray tracing supported.
  • The tool works in a simialar way as Maya's XGen and other similar solutions.
  • Fur can optionally be exported to a Mesh or a SkinnedMesh if your usecase requires that. So it can be used to create grass and bushes etc. Or for platforms that don't support Compute Shaders.
  • Import Alembic splines from third party applications and render them in Unity. 

Fluffy Grooming Tool

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Latest release date
Mar 11, 2024
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