Most Utterer components have an associated tool which functions as a workspace for editing the component.
Dialogue and Captions Tools create a window for each part in the sequence.
Texts, Images, and Audio Tools create a window for each language in the languages list.
All Tools have the following:
- Scrollable workspace
- Draggable windows
- Custom background color
- Light & Dark modes
- Quick-positioning (rows, columns, or diagonally)
Dialogue System
- Fade the system and/or its elements
- Apply typing animations
- Pause the scene during the sequence
- Use an auto layout or create a custom layout
- Hide or show different elements of the system
- Customize colors, fonts, textures, etc.
- Can be interactive, time-based, and/or response-based
Dialogue Tool :
- Edit your dialogue sequence
- Localize using Languages
- Add and remove dialogue parts to the sequence
- Control which inputs can interact with the system
- Import/export strings from txt/csv files
- Behaviours can be added to responses
Works with TextMesh Pro, TextMeshProUGUI, and Legacy Text components.
Captions System
- Fade captions
- Apply typing animations
- Hide or show the background
- Customize colors, fonts, textures, etc.
- Scale the background to the text
- Scale the text to the background
Captions Tool :
- Edit your captions sequence
- Add and remove caption parts to the sequence
- Import/export strings from txt/csv files
Works with TextMesh Pro, TextMeshProUGUI, and Legacy Text components.
Utterer Languages includes a Language Chooser script which syncs dropdown components with the Languages In Use list and allows the user to choose a language at runtime.
Uses the following components:
Utterer Texts
Can be added to objects with Text, TextMeshPro, or TextMeshProUGUI components
This component's tool can import/export strings from txt/csv files.
Utterer Audio
Can be added to objects with Audio Source components
This component's tool shows the length and wavefile of each audio clip.
Utterer Images
Can be added to objects with Image components
This component's tool shows the the size and preview of each image.
Built-in compatibility with:
Utterer Dialogue System
Utterer Captions System
Utterer Dynamics replaces any "call" (a string or part of a string surrounded by < and > - Ex. <Player Name>) with its associated "ID" (Ex. "Madsir").
If a call's ID is "color" the system will change the color of the string inside the call with a color of your choice (ex. Call: <Dynamics> , ID :"color")
Works with TextMesh Pro, TextMeshProUGUI, and Legacy Text components.
This asset includes a User Manual, a Scripting Reference Manual, and a Helpful Scripts pack for enabling, disabling, and triggering objects.
If you don't have the Text Mesh Pro package installed, uncheck the TMP Variants folder in the asset's Prefabs folder when installing.
Built using Windows, not tested on Mac or Linux.