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Level Design
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Smart Rooms is a complex for procedural level generation inspired by Spelunky 2 level generation. It offers versatile control over game space creation, from room generation to player movement.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Follow instructions in User Manual on how to fix UI Camera to make the asset work in URP/HDRP.


Try it at: https://raccoon5.itch.io/smart-rooms-demo

Introducing Smart Rooms, an innovative Unity package designed to revolutionize the way you generate game levels based on Spelunky 2 level generator. Built with flexibility and control at its core, Smart Rooms facilitates the creation of diverse and dynamic game spaces through its robust procedural level generation capabilities.

With its unique approach to level generation, Smart Rooms offers more than just a tool — it provides a comprehensive solution for creating engaging and dynamic procedural game levels. Whether you're building intricate puzzles, sprawling labyrinths, or simple platformers, Smart Rooms adapts to fit your needs, making it an indispensable addition to any game developer's toolkit.

The Smart Rooms are build using Unity Tile System which allows for easier integration into existing projects. The project already contains several custom Tiles which are usable thanks to the fact they inherit from BaseTile. This makes creating complex levels and interactions easier. Each level is composed of Rooms. Each Room is a prefab which can contain any logic any objects inside. It can also contain substructure prefabs which can also contain Tiles. This really drives the number of possibilities higher.

This package uses custom layers and tags and input axes which have to be present. For more information check documentation.

To install:

View documentation

Default Controls:

Arrows keys / WASD -> Movement and looking UP/DOWN

Space -> Jump

Ctrl -> Attack

Shift -> Walk

Technical details

Key Features:

  1. Smart Level Generator: Control the style and complexity of your game levels with various settings, including room adjacency rules, random stop chances, and seed-based generation.
  2. Border and Background Generator: Customize the boundaries and backdrop of your levels with ease.
  3. Spawnable Object Pattern Generator: Populate your levels with objects based on pattern matching, creating a rich and immersive environment.
  4. Room Components and Managers: Manage game flow and player interactions effectively with specialized room components and managers.
  5. Unity Editor Support: Use convenient Unity editor buttons for level generation and object spawning, streamlining your development process.
  6. Movement Controller: A Speunky style movement controller to allow for fast game development.
  7. High quality C# code: Code was developed with high regard to quality and maintainability.
  8. Compatible with Standard (Built-in) Rendering pipeline: Other pipelines should work with minor tweaks.
  9. Made with Unity 2022.1.23

Offline Documentation

Plugins/SmartRooms/Smart Rooms User Guide 2023.pdf

Online Documentation


Created with AI

The sprites have been generated using Midjourney with Pro license

Smart Rooms: Procedural Level Generator & Room Builder

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File size
59.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 7, 2024
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