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Snap and align all of your hexagon assets without having to do the math yourself. HexTool works in both 2D and 3D and comes with a small sample asset pack.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

Compatible with all Unity versions 2021.3 and newer.


⬢ HexTool snaps and aligns assets to a hexagonal grid within the Unity scene, and can be used in both 3D and 2D environments.

⬡ You can access the editor tool through the SceneView's "Tools" menu, or by pressing "U".

This shortcut can be changed through Unity's Shortcuts menu.

⬣ The hexagon grid can be scaled, reoriented, and colored however you like!


📖 Documentation

HexTool can be accessed via the Tools menu. In Unity 6 and up, it will appear at the end of the list. In Unity 2021 / 2023, it will appear in a dropdown at the bottom of this list.

It can also be accessed with the shortcut "U". This can be adjusted through Unity's Shortcuts menu to suit the user's taste.

With HexTool selected, objects will snap to the visible hexagon grid, while moving smoothly on the axis the grid is oriented on. The arrow handle fully respects the Transform settings, aligning to either Center/Pivot and Global/Local when selected. All hexagonal grid snapping is in world-space and relative to the origin of the scene.

HexTool's Settings can be accessed by enabling it from the SceneView Overlays menu.

  • In Unity 6 and up, it can be enabled from the floating Overlay Menu.
  • In Unity 2021 / 2022, it can be enabled via the SceneView's Overlays popup menu through the "Kebab" (or the "More Options") button on the top right of the SceneView tab.

Once open, the HexTool overlay displays all the settings available for the tool. This can either float on its own, be snapped to a corner, or docked on the sides, containing a dropdown of all HexTool settings.

If the user prefers not to use the Overlay menu, all the HexTool options will appear within the Project Settings under "HexTool."

All HexTool settings are project-specific, so the user can have different settings associated with different projects.


  • Unit Size: Total diameter of the hexagon, point to point.
  • Radius: Approximate distance from the center the grid expands to.
  • Opacity: Opacity of the center of the grid.
  • Grid Color: Color used for displaying the grid within the SceneView.
  • Direction: Whether the hexagons should be stacked horizontally with rows, or vertically with columns.
  • Orientation: The global direction the grid aligns to. 3D games will likely use Y, while 2D games will likely use Z.



This package contains a small example asset pack with an assortment of hexagon tile assets for the user to experiment with.

Ground Tiles:

  • Grass
  • Grass w/ road
  • Grass w/ road corner
  • Sand
  • Water


  • Trees
  • Cacti

Technical details

📖Find our Documentation here: Github


  • Hexagon grid snapping
  • Custom scene tool, shortcut: U
  • Variable hexagon "unit" size, point-to-point
  • Color and fade customization.
  • Direction and orientation choices.

3D Demo Assets:

  • Maximum polygon count: 1,092
  • Model count: 9

HexTool - Grid Snapping

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