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8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

기능 통합
You want to self-publish a game but don't want to spend one month to implement the SDKs.

We've got you covered. You can use all the features at once in your game and complete it in one day.

Features Included in the package:

Ads: You can implement Interstitial, Rewarded, Banner, and Appopen Ads with one line of code. Either use Ironsource, Admob, Applovin or Appodeal. This package contains code for these 4 mediators.

Analytics: Implement Firebase, GameAnalytics, Bytebrew or all three at once using just a single line of code.

Remote Config: You can set up Firebase Remote Config without any hassle.

Native Reviews: iOS and Android's Native Review Popup.

IAP: Added a robust Adapty IAP wrapper to streamline your game with stronger monetisation.

Notifications: Local Notifications for Daily reward notifications or retention notifications.
Setup onesignal without any code for remote notifications.

GDPR: GDPR popup shown and managed automatically with all the SDKs.

IDFA: IDFA is shown and managed automatically by the package without any code.

Ads Tracking: Firebase and Facebook Ads campaign tracking was added for iOS and Android and doesn't require any code.

For detailed instructions check the Documentation

Our games are using this SDK. You can download it to check the work.
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All In One SDK Wrapper - Ads, IAP, Analytics, Notifications, Reviews, IDFA, GDPR

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
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42.6 MB
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2024년 8월 26일
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All In One SDK Wrapper - Ads, IAP, Analytics, Notifications, Reviews, IDFA, GDPR