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SUPER Character AIO is an open source 1st and 3rd person rigidbody based character controller for the Unity Engine designed to fit a wide range of game types with it's fully customizable feature set.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

SUPER Character AIO is an open source 1st/3rd person rigidbody based character controller for the Unity Engine designed to fit a wide range of game types with it's fully customizable feature set.

Run, jump, and slide your way through an exciting platformer with the 3rd person mode and jump enhancements, or create an immersive survival experience with the 1st person mode and the built in survival stats! Ideal for beginners to the development scene or prototyping!

And yes, it's still free!


  • 1st and 3rd person camera modes with runtime switching
  • Auto generated UI elements
  • Headbobing
  • Walking, Sprinting, Crouching, and Sliding movement modes
  • Handling for Slope, Stairs, and Steps
  • Jump enhancement controls
  • Stamina and Survival stats
  • Dynamic Footstep audio with support for Materials, PhysicMaterials, and Terrain layers
  • Interaction and Collectable interfaces
  • Moving Platform support (rigidbody based platforms only)

Website is back online. For additional support, either email me at support@aedangraves.info or tweet me at @AedanGraves ~ Thanks

Known issues:

- Slight camera jitter when moving the camera in the reverse direction the player is moving in.

- Loose or inconsistent ground detection distance.

- Ground angle can influence walking direction when walking along a bank or hill.

- Setting movement speed to high can allow the player to catch a small amount of air time when running off a ramp or hill

Note: Updates 2022.2.8au and later are incompatible with earlier versions of the asset, classes have changed and/or been removed so updating to this version may take some elbow grease if your project already contains references to old classes.

Technical details


  • 1st and 3rd person camera modes with runtime switching
  • Auto generated UI elements
  • Headbobing
  • Walking, Sprinting, Crouching, and Sliding movement modes
  • Handling for Slope, Stairs, and Steps
  • Jump enhancement controls
  • Stamina and Survival stats
  • Dynamic Footstep audio with support for Materials, PhysicMaterials, and Terrain layers
  • Interaction and Collectable interfaces
  • Moving Platform support (rigidbody based platforms only)

Known issues:

- Slight camera jitter when moving the camera in the reverse direction the player is moving in.

- Loose or inconsistent ground detection distance.

- Ground angle can influence walking direction when walking along a bank or hill.

- Setting movement speed to high can allow the player to catch a small amount of air time when running off a ramp or hill

Website is back online. For additional support, either email me at support@aedangraves.info or tweet me at @AedanGraves ~ Thanks

Note: Updates 2022.2.8au and later are incompatible with earlier versions, classes have changed and/or been removed so updating to this version may take some elbow grease if your project already contains references to old classes.

Character Controller SUPER

4489 users have favourite this asset
License type
File size
26.0 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 10, 2022
Original Unity version
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