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What you click if what you select. Skip the hierarchy search.

Links: Documentation | Support

🎁 This asset is part of the Productivity Tools Bundle. 🎁

🐭 This asset is also part of the UI Bundle🐭

✔️ What you click is what you select.

Skip the hierarchy search. Ignore empty and transparent ui elements. Enjoy a predictable selection order. UI elements in front will always be selected first.

✔️ Auto hide canvases at close range.

Useful if you often switch between ScreenSpace canvases and the 3D scene. This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it in the settings.

✔️ Select 3D objects behind canvases.

Click-through empty canvas areas. No need to whirl the camera around or disable the canvas just so you can select that one 3D object in the back.

✔️ Full source code included - Maintained since 2017

Uses assembly definitions to keep compile times low.

✔️ Super lightweight (less than 70 KByte)

✔️ Supports Unity 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Unity 6 ... LTS

Yes, it really supports ALL these versions :´D

⚙️ Installation

Download the Asset and import it into your project.

You are done, no additional setup is needed.

Hints for upgrading

If you are upgrading your installation and you want to keep your settings then please uncheck the "SmartUiSelection Settings.asset" at import.

✍️ Usage

A new menu called "Smart Ui Selection" will be available under "Tools" in the main menu bar. Go check it out once the import is done.

Info: the asset files will be copied into /Assets/Plugins/SmartUiSelection/Editor. The settings and manual files will be created in the same location.

Hint: There is a manual included, please read it (Tools > Smart Ui Selection > Manual).

☎️ Support

If you find any errors then please write to office[at]kamgam.com or post in the Unity Forum

Please be patient, replies may take a few days.

Please include your Asset Store Order Nr in your request. Thank you.

⚠️ Caveats

● Please notice that this is an EDITOR ONLY plugin.

● The Click-through detection does not analyse if a texture on a Graphic component has transparent pixels. Alpha values of colors, Renderer and CanvasGroups components are taken into account though.

❤️ Hey, if you like this asset then maybe you'll like these too:

⚒️ Power Pivot

Rotate and scale around anything. Edit pivots instantly.

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A complete racing game template.

🔑 License Info

This asset requires one license per seat (user who has access to the asset files). If you are a team then please consider buying one seat per Unity user.

Why am I telling you this?

Because most people do not know. In fact any asset found under the Tools category falls under a license type collectively known as Extension Assets(see official license explanation) which differs from the standard (Entity) licenses.

If you have questions about the license then please contact me under office[at]kamgam.com.

Smart UI Selection for Unity

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File size
253.3 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 2, 2024
Original Unity version
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