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Allows to render UI icons with quality, crisp outlines and shadows, as opposite to Unity built-in really bad looking outline.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Adds additional import settings for textures for SDF (Signed Distance Field) import which used in custom UI shader to render surface-correct outline/shadow/underlay around an Image. To render Image with outline/shadow use component SDFImage, provide it with sprite and optional SDF material to adjust outline properties.

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Requires Unity 2021/2022 or higher.

Versions before 1.1.x is not directly compatible with 1.1.x, know more about it here

If you updating to version 1.1.10 or higher from older one you should make clear installation, guide how to do clear install is here


  • Perfomant - all data to generate outline is cached and sotred as nested texture in original texture asset, avoiding runtime calculation.
  • Crisp - due to SDF rendering nature no matter how zoomed otuline, it will always remain crips, not pixelated.
  • All image modes supported - Simple, Sliced, Tiled, Filled, all modes are supported.
  • Multiple sprites support - sprites with 'Multiple' mode is fully supported.
  • Seamless integration - its just a few clicks to setup your initial Outline/Shadow. User experience integrates nativly to unity.
  • Mask support - can be both masked and act as mask.
  • Pixel art support - pixel art is fully supported, it requires some preparations
  • Atlas support - for most part is supported, tho require some additional setup


  • Improving image modes support (Tiled, Sliced, Filled), right now there are certain nuances
  • Possibly adding Sprite Renderer support
  • Advanced materials, textures, animations, virtual materials, etc
Technical details


  • Uses AssetImporter.userData to store SDF import settings, so if you using any plugins that also writes to userData of textures it will not be compatible.
  • Sprite Atlases is now supported but with some limitations. Know more about atlases support here
  • Sprite Renderer is not supported right now, possibilities for implementation will be explored but this is a tricky topic.
  • Versions before 1.1.x is not directly compatible with 1.1.x, know more about it here
  • If you updating to version 1.1.10 or higher from older one you should make clear installation, guide how to do clear install is here
  • When working with SDFImage in prefabs with context crash might happen with multiple logs like: d3d11: EndWrite on null buffer. Upgrading Unity version to latest LTS of your choice should help, if not message me.

SDF Image - Quality UI Outlines and Shadow

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