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Good plugin
a month ago
Aboorva06on version 3.1.0
This plugin works really well, seamless integration in any of my projects. But this browser is not supported for multiple use cases like Gmail, PowerBI, etc. I hope Jon will be helping me in resolving this. Meanwhile does anyone has a work around for the issues mentioned.
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Works, but newest JS pages throw errors.
5 months ago
SylwesterOsikon version 3.1.0
It works great, smooth and easy to integrate. BUT! 4 years without update its QUITE a lot for web browser
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Reply from publisher:
replied 3 months ago
Greetings, Sorry about that! I do plan to get an update out, but I'm rather behind! If you haven't yet, hit me up for a WiP build that's not nearly so old! Cheers! Jon
Works great when it works, and lots of documentation
7 months ago
kickbackspaceon version 3.1.0
We've loved it, but it's now getting outdated. Wish there was an easy way to update the CEF. Support is a bit slow, but that's no surprise for a one man team :) Looking forward to receiving the WIP build!
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Outdated, Needs Update, Support Is Slow
9 months ago
MichaelPickeringon version 3.1.0
This asset was good but now suffers from various compatibility issues due to the old version of Chromium on which it was based. While the author has shared a 'work in progress' update, that release isn't yet ready for production, and responses to my support requests have been slow. Hopefully this is addressed with a full new release soon!
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Reply from publisher:
replied 9 months ago
Fair enough! Sorry I'm behind and I hope to get a full update out before too long too! In the meantime, the WiP has been pretty stable, so don't feel too afraid to put it through its paces! Cheers! Jon
It's a little big, but works great.
a year ago
mdrunkon version 3.1.0
Web pages that you wouldn't expect to work run like a dream. We have not had a single actual problem since implementing it.
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It works....but....
a year ago
HartWilcoxon version 3.1.0
I purchased this to use on a touchscreen. Currently the browser loads correctly but the scroll bar is very slim, so slim that it can't be dragged. Also I doesn't seem to support dragging. If this worked I wouldn't need the scroll bars of the browser.... Is there any way around this?
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Reply from publisher:
replied a year ago
Greetings, I have a WiP build that works a lot better with touchscreens! (It passes the touches to the browser as touches instead of as mouse clicks.) Send me an email with your Asset Store Invoice # and I can send you a copy! You may be able to change the scrollbar style with some injected CSS. Send me an email if you'd like some more details! Cheers! Jon
Could use better documentation
a year ago
liviumarinescuon version 3.1.0
Mostly works on windows and Linux but the TypeText function of the Browser object somehow doesn't send all the characters to the browser example (dot/period) "." I can't find anywhere a solution to this issue for now.
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Reply from publisher:
replied a year ago
Greetings, Sorry about the trouble! That should work fine. Send me an email and let's see if we can figure out what's going wrong! Cheers! Jon
Works well, but HUGE
2 years ago
dtootillon version 3.1.0
While ZFBrowser seems to work well and has an impressive demo, it's enormous - 1.3 GB (!) in size. This makes it pretty much untenable for any game with a mobile version (it doesn't support mobile anyway). My application was for a feature of a PC game, but this asset almost doubled the game's footprint, making the benefit not worth the cost, so I'm forced to abandon it after paying $75. A couple of its internal files even excede the 100MB limit for checking into GitHub.
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Reply from publisher:
replied 2 years ago
Greetings, Sorry about the trouble! Not all files are used on all platforms. If you don't need Linux support, you can just delete the Plugins/l64 folder, which is the largest of the platform folders by far! Also, I'm not generally opposed to getting people refunds if the asset can't do what it was bought for. Feel free to send me an email on the subject! Cheers! Jon
An extremely useful asset + a very supportive dev!
2 years ago
freezenificationon version 3.1.0
This asset is very useful and helped me with my game a lot, not to mention the fact that I had a few questions about it and the dev was happy to help me with them over email!
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unable to interact with browser in build version
2 years ago
ShrimaliAbhishekon version 3.1.0
Hi, I need to use touchscript asset along with this browser asset. Desired result in visible in editor, but in build i am not able to touch interact. Kindly help me out with this issue. Thank you.
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Reply from publisher:
replied 2 years ago
Greetings, Sorry about the trouble! TouchScript changes the touch handling in builds so no data goes to Input.touches. Change the TouchScript touch handler to "Unity" and things should behave normally. Feel free to reach out if you need further details or have other issues! https://zenfulcrum.com/contact Jon
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