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Bamao Map is a handcrafted map asset designed for creating fantasy-style maps. It features animated backgrounds, icons, trees, mountains, creatures, dialog, infinity scroll, and a runtime gameplay.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

🪶 Bamao Fantasy Map is a Unity plugin for creating fantasy-style maps.

It lets you easily place map elements in the Unity Editor and comes with ready-to-use scripts for pan and zoom, animated sprited, dialog, tooltip, cloud control, and so on.

Documentation | Discord

🔸 -- Highlight Features -- 🔸

1. Fully Handcrafted Map Asset

We carefully designed over 100 unique map elements to bring your fantasy maps to life. This collection contain backgrounds, bridge, castle, cave, cloud, creatures, hill, house, lake, land, mountain, pond, route, symbol, trees, and other special decorative elements.

2. Ready To Use Code

We provided pre-built scripts to handle different map interactions features:

  • Pan and Zoom: Easily dragand zoom the map around with pointer.
  • Object Dragging: Allow to drag and place map elements at runtime.
  • Easy Animation: Control each map element by sprite switching.
  • Cloud Weather: Control the cloud weather and number.
  • Dialog Panel: Pop out a cute dialog panel when clicked.
  • Creature Movement: Moving the creatures to a certain direction area.
  • Easy Sound: Easy playing the sound effect when clicked.
  • Easy Event: Set up custom events for specific map interactions.

These tools are designed to work out of the box

Making your development process faster and easier.

3. Animation Ready

We create frame-by-frame animations for map elements and integrate them into Unity component scripts.

4. PSD Included

We included the original source files in PSD format for complete customization.

🔸 -- Package Included -- 🔸

All images visible in the demo scenes are included as PNG files.

The size of the PNGs matches the size displayed in the demo scenes.

PNG Sprites

460+ PNG files (including animated)

All images visible in the demo scenes are included as PNG files.The size of the PNGs matches the size displayed in the demo scenes.


119 prefabs which contain Background, Bridge, Castle, Cave, Cloud, Creatures, Hill, House, Lake, Land, Mountain, Pond, Route, Special, Symbol, Tree, Dialog, Tooltip, and Pin

🔸 -- Feedback is welcome :) -- 🔸

Feel free to leave your comments in our Discord. 

We will continue to update more animations and maps, such as snow, desert, underwater, etc.

Technical details
  1. Map Pan and Zoom: Easily move and zoom the map around with intuitive controls.
  2. Element Dragging: Allow players to drag and place map elements dynamically.
  3. Event Triggers: Set up custom events for specific map interactions.
  4. Animation Switcher: Easy control each map element by animation component.
  5. Cloud Weather: Controll the cloud weather and number
  6. Dialog Panel: Pop out a cute dialog panel when click on object
  7. Creature Movement: Moving the creatures to a certain direction backwards.
  8. Easy Sound Effect: Easy control the sound effect when clicking element.

Bamao Map - Animated Fantasy Map

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373.2 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2025년 2월 17일
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