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★★Advanced 2D radar system developed for team-based FPS games ★★

(multiplayer and single-player compatible).

A complete out-of-the-box solution to achieve a similar look & functionality to the minimaps/radars in popular AAA games.

►Note: FPS Radar would work in any type of game, including flying, racing, RPG, RTS, and other genres, but some of the extra functionality is specific to FPS games(which you do not need to use).


● 2D radar/minimap for UGUI

● Developed for 1.5+ years

● Drag & drop prefabs

● Easily add/remove map icons with 1 line of code

● No bulky editor code - just plug it into any of your existing custom projects

● Fast, clean & optimized #C code

● Highly customizable & easily scalable functionality

● Works smoothly on mobile

● Any non-used features do not take extra resources

● Detailed documentation

● Fully commented source code

● Intuitive & simple demo scene

● Support(Forum & e-mail)

Advanced Functionality:

★Support static & rotational map

★Area scan enemies

★UAV scan enemies

★Spot enemies

★Rectangle or circular shape

★Directional player icons(arrows)

★Support custom map masks

★Stick to the border option

★Player death icons

★Player highlight

★Objective icons

★Smoothly fade in/out icons

★Dynamic Field of view

★Cardinal compass


★25+ player/radar icons included

★Unlimited design possibilities

Why Advanced FPS Radar vs other radar systems?

Advanced FPS Radar is specifically designed for FPS games with functionality for spotting enemies, UAV scans, area scans, assigning player class icons, death icons, health bars, objective icons, and other common shooter core functionality with ease.

Unlike other minimaps/radar systems, which although are Plug & play, are full of messy editor code and difficult to integrate into any custom scripts(especially multiplayer games). Advanced FPS Radar has beginner-friendly, intuitive functions that could be easily integrated into any multiplayer or single-player games with just a few lines of code, saving you hundreds of hours of development time and helping you achieve that solid AAA looks in your game.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it just drag and drop?

Answer: No, it requires basic coding. You can drag and drop the radar prefab into your scene, assing player camera, and add players and objectives with just a few lines of code.

Does it work for my RTS/RPG game?

Answer: Yes, the basic functionality of this radar will work for any genre of a game. FPS-specific features like spotting enemies and UAV scans do not need to be used.

Does it work for multiplayer games?

Answer: Yes, it has been designed for multiplayer in mind and been used in a commercial multiplayer FPS.

Does it support mobile platforms?

Answer: Yes it has been optimized and tested on mobile too.

Does it support 3D?

Answer: No, currently it's only for 2D(screenspace). 3D support could be easily added. Just let me know.

How long time for basic integration?

Answer: Usually just 10 - 15 minutes to get it up and running in any custom project.

What if i can't get it working?

Answer: Please contact me on the forum or email(faster) and I will try to get it sorted. If not, you can always ask for a refund.

Can I get a refund?

Answer: Sure, if you can't get it working or it's missing a feature you need, just send me an email for a quick refund.

Got Question?


Advanced FPS Radar 3.0

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Latest release date
Dec 7, 2020
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