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Overworld2DGenerator is a tool for the procedural generation and management of a generated game overworld, so that it can be easily integrated in any desidered game.

This asset helps you in the creation of a 2D game overworld, the one you could find in a typical rpg-like game. Overworld 2D Generator can procedurally generate a 2D world based on different settings and parameters, but it also helps you to create and manage an "alive" world, with all its active elements, and easy to integrate in your own game.

With Overworld 2D Generator you can:

- Generate a whole overworld mainland

- Generate different type of land terrain surfaces, eventually organized in climate zone based on world latitude

- Populate the world with different elements, like environmental parts, cities and villages, etc.

but you can also:

- Save and load the generated overworld, for using it in a same game

- Randomly spawn "alive" elements (like enemies or npcs) or other objects (like collectables) at run-time

- Define a simple player interface for interacting with all the interactable overworld elements

- Spawn random-battle encounter during the game, depending on player position and current terrains

- Manage scene's switching between overworld scene and places' area scenes (cities, villages, etc.) or battle scenes

- Define the randomly encountered groups of enemies during the battle scenes

Documentation can be found here.

Demo scenes and tilesets are provided for demonstration purposes.

This asset uses Kenney 1bit Pack, medieval rts pack and rogue-like pack under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0), Overworld - Grass Biome Tileset under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0), treasure_chest image under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0); see ThirdPartyNotices.txt file in package for details.

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Overworld 2D Generator

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1.1 MB
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Latest release date
Jun 21, 2021
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