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Use the project and create your own CIRCL TABLE TOP GAME!


If you would like to have your game in our start-bundle, please send us your game as package or as project via fileshare server:


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Some facts to CIRCL:

- CIRCL is a 8-Port USB GAMING HUB for your Smartphone and Tablet

- CIRCL Default Joystick has two axis-inputs X/Y and two buttons C/Z (known from Nintendo Nunchuck)

- The two joystick buttons are registered by the following joystick and button number:

Windows: "joystick 1 button 0" and "joystick 1 button 1"

Android: "joystick 1 button 15" and "joystick 1 button 16"

Some facts to MyCirclProject:

- All joystick configurations are set in "Project Settings... --> Input Manager"

- 8 Joystick are configured because CIRCL supports maximum 8 Joysticks

- The menu is optimized for "Bird View" perspective because all player sitting in a circle

- To create your own game feel free to use the table top menu and replace the current game "XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX" by your own game

- IF YOU ARE UNITY NEWBIE please don't delete directly "XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX" and replace it just step by step !!!

- To understand the structure of the project code have a look into "CommonValues" and "CommonMethods" in "Scripts/0_MainMenu"

- Make sure that you understand the "XXX_SpeciallyForCircl_XXX" comments in the code and use these feature for your own game

- Main parts of "XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX":

PlayerManager: Spawn the player

ItemManager: Spawn the items

BallManager: Spawn the balls --> can be replaced by EnemyManager for example

GameManager: Decide when a game starts or ends

AudioManager: Plays different game scene sounds

To run and understand MyCirclProject do the following steps:

1. Delete all default scenes

2. Import all Project Settings (InputManager, PlayerSetttings, QualitySettings, TagSettings)

3. Go into "Scenes" folder and move all scenes (1-5) into your current project (Hierarchy) window

4. Unload all scenes except "0_MainMenu"

5. Press "Play" Button to start with the "0_MainMenu"!

6. Navigate through the whole game via USB Joystick or a USB Mouse to understand the structure. "C" and "Z" can also be pressed on the Keyboard.

7. If the whole project works fine let's start creating a CIRCL TABLE TOP GAME.

To replace the current game "XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX" by your own game do the following steps:

1. Integrate/Copy your gaming stuff into the "Assets" folder of MyCirclProject. That means move your Animations, Audio, Fonts, Models, Prefabs, Scripts and Textures into the corrisponding folder.

2. Unload all scenes except "4_XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX"

3. Go to scene window and create your gaming scene like you want. But you should keep and just adapt some parts from "XXX_MyCirclGame_XXX". We recommend to keep and adapt the PlayerManager, GamingManager and the AudioManager.

4. Put everything which isn't necessary anymore (Animations, Audio, Fonts, Models and Scripts) into "XXX_Archiv_XXX". Don't delete it directly. It's better to have it as fallback.

5. The gaming objects incl. all feature (movement, shooting, etc.) should be directly part of the prefabs. All manager objects incl. scripts should be serve as framework.

6. Use and adapt "CommonValues" and "CommonMethods" to make your integration a bit easier. It's easier to manage the global values for different parts of the game at one central point.

7. Remember that all player of CIRCL are sitting in a circle. Thats why use "CommonMethods.rotateMovementAccordingToPlayerPerspective(int i_player_index, Vector3 o_movement)" for the correct direction.

8. After your game is working rename your gaming scene to your own game name

Feel free to contact us if you have problems or also for other feedback and questions:



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