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Game Toolkits
Electra is a NEXT GEN writing tool that empowers writers and developers to make branching dialog content for players to choose both meaning and expression and ai's to react to what the player says.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
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Requires TextMeshPro 1.4.1+ (available for free from the Unity Package Manager)


The next generation of dialog choice and branching narrative is here. In this Alpha stage you can explore the toolset for writing skill based dialog on a level never before possible. Branching dialog systems in games suffer from exponential content requirements, non-compelling narrative using generation and arbitrary player facing tools to select and browse options.

Electra solves all of these problems with Depth Branching. A completely new approach to interaction fiction and storytelling. By nesting branching dialog nodes within branching dialog nodes you can actually systematize the differences between player choices and present strategic consistent tools to the player.

What does that mean?

Two dimensions of player choice, they choose both the idea and the expression of that idea separately per dialog choice. The expression types work like consistent damage types for a typical turn based combat game, but for dialog and emotion/personality based calculations. These calculations are then visualized in realtime to players so they can see not just the effect of their choices strategically, but also the range of possible outcomes the ai chooses from alongside matching values and reactive emotions.

The dialog choice system is built upon a consistent library of 169 possible player expression combinations as damage types all within an otherwise traditional branching dialog system. Ais can react on a scale of 0 - 10 taking into account relationship and expression damage type reacting with bad or good written options. The damage and calculations are handled automatically and fairly and consistently, but all dialog outside of generated emotional descriptions are written by the developer.

You will be blown away by the potential of this system not just to empower advanced social player strategies and experiences, but to aid the writing process as a way of writing that prompts the writer to address emotional needs or desires of Ai characters and the players playstyle.

The Electra system is the future of game driven dialog choice. This system is built to integrate directly into Double Demons a VR dating sim game with magic combat spanning high school life by day and combat with monsters and spell casters by night. Electra made conversations can be built for that platform directly or for your own game project too. The player for Electra conversations works during play mode, but a separate playable standalone game that will load an entire story of Electra conversations will be part of a future update in 2023.

Requires TextMeshPro 1.4.1+ (available for free from the Unity Package Manager)

Technical details

169 Emotional Expression Damage Types

Friendly - Mean

Clean - Crude

Funny - Serious

Smart - Dumb

Confident - Timid

Unique - Cliche

65 Reaction types

Visualizing dialog AS YOU WRITE!

Write simple conversations dialog similar to chat boxes in a real world texting app.

Switch to DEEP to add player expression choices and branching ai reactions.

Switch to COMPLEX to add different meaning player options and nested branching.

Electra - Social Dynamics Writing Engine

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File size
125.2 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 7, 2022
Original Unity version
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