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Need to integrate AI quickly and without prior knowledge ?
With our DNAI plugin, get ready-made AI from our online Hub and add them to your project in just a few clicks.
Then you only have to connect the inputs and outputs of the AI to enjoy the power of it.
Our AIs can range from simple algorithmic behaviors to machine learning models.
An intermediate compilation will allow you to use these decision-making bricks directly in your scripts but also to connect events from the inspector.
If none of the Hub's AIs fit your needs, you can create them for free with our graphical programming editor, supported on Windows and Mac.
Learn how to use the plugin
Visit our Hub
Download our editor
• Ready-to-use AI download
• Dynamic compilation of imported AIs
• AI usage from scripts
• Tweaking from the inspector
• Algorithmic mixed with Machine Learning integration
Minimum requirements
• Unity >= 2018.2
• .NET 4.6 activated
Further information
Collaborate on GitHub
With our DNAI plugin, get ready-made AI from our online Hub and add them to your project in just a few clicks.
Then you only have to connect the inputs and outputs of the AI to enjoy the power of it.
Our AIs can range from simple algorithmic behaviors to machine learning models.
An intermediate compilation will allow you to use these decision-making bricks directly in your scripts but also to connect events from the inspector.
If none of the Hub's AIs fit your needs, you can create them for free with our graphical programming editor, supported on Windows and Mac.
Learn how to use the plugin
Visit our Hub
Download our editor
• Ready-to-use AI download
• Dynamic compilation of imported AIs
• AI usage from scripts
• Tweaking from the inspector
• Algorithmic mixed with Machine Learning integration
Minimum requirements
• Unity >= 2018.2
• .NET 4.6 activated
Further information
Collaborate on GitHub
License agreement
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA라이선스
파일 크기
1.7 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 12월 7일
원본 Unity 버전
웹사이트 방문Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Community support
Supported by 100,000+ forum members