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Behavior AI
This asset allows you to have a conversational chat bot optimized by machine learning. Developing in C # and adjusting for unity you can easily incorporate it into your projects.

It is based on the "Bag of word" technique for processing data, which is then processed by a neural network.

- Works offline
- Machine learning
- Conversation flexibility
- Changed simplified dialogs
- Developed multi-language : English and French (possibility to add languages: Danish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish)

Flexible ? Let me explain.
In the case of this chat bot, we have training data.

Entry sentence:
- "Hi how are you ?"
- "Hello how are you ?"

Exit sentence:
- "very well and you ?"
Once the learning is complete, the user can write in the chatbot:
- "Yo, how are u ?"
It will be recognized for responding to the learning output sentence. As you can see the user can write sentences which are not learned by the chatbot, It adapts to certain keyword automatically present in the sentence.

Peace !

Developed with Unity version 2019.4.3f1

Adaptative Chat Bot

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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License type
Extension Asset
File size
51.8 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Aug 18, 2020
Original Unity version
2019.4.3 or higher
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