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This is a mediu complexion of radio system. You can use it on radio or car radio and use it while other radio is on.

- Version 0.1
1. Generate all channel at random time with volume 0. (Audio Sources have spatial blend to 3D )
2. You can use only one audio Source.
3. Added a script where you can manage your audio clips file and datails about them.

- Version 0.2
1. You can acces more then one audio source. ( (Car radio and a normal radio) or (Car radio and other car radio) in same time.).
2. When the audio clip on an audio source will be finished, the system will put next audio clip.
3. Added car interface for radio. (name of channel and music name or when the radio is off on the display will be appear this text "OFF").

Radio System

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License type
Extension Asset
File size
49.0 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 22, 2018
Original Unity version
2017.1.0 or higher
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