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Big disappointment especially with the high price tag!!
2 months ago
alsantouron version 2021.3.4
I couldnt figure out anything with this asset, piss poor documentation (non existent).. There are demo scenes but without documentation i couldnt figure out what they did or how to get ANY of them to work! I was looking for an asset that would help me send CC/PC/ and SysEx messages from a tablet "dashboard" that i would make in unity, and midi-out these to my instrument, sounds like it should be straight forward with the simplest midi API, but NOT! Wasted an entire day trying to figure it out and ended up with nothing! I cannot even tell if this asset would actually do what i want it to do! I wish there was an explanation for what each demo scene did, or how to bring in what prefab to an empty scene to get started!! Also one demo scene the author mentioned in the forums (cubes) sounded like a good place to start, except i couldnt find it in the current package! ~ better buy $140 worth of fireworks and watch them burn, at least that is fun!
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None of the examples work on Unity 2022.3.9f1
a year ago
zaneclaeson version 2021.3.4
I purchased the asset, installed it on a new project, and opened one of the examples. There were immediately dozens of errors when I ran it. I ended up trying every example project using Unity 2022.3.9f1, and none of them were anywhere near working in any way whatsoever. What a giant waste of money.
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Works as expected !
a year ago
barn13on version 2021.3.4
Using this asset for input and output midi communication since 2 years, works well ! Used for Windows and mac desktop, Android and iOS. Big thanks to the devs.
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Android MIDI is broken, no support from the dev.
2 years ago
Tubbritton version 2021.3.4
The developer has not fixed one single issue I’ve reported since December 2020 which make this asset totally pointless for anyone developing on Android and who need to use a Midi Interface. If you manage to get him to response, there is never any follow-up or any actions taken. Nothing ever gets resolved as the developer is not even attempting to fix anything. Issues range from the synth engine being unusable over midi due to midi suffering from duplicating midi notes and stuck notes are often as the midi note off event gets lost in the duplication of events. Midi event duplication also happens 100% of the time for program change commands. You sent a program change event of your choice and a second unwanted program change event resets the sound back to patch 000 making your program change event completely overridden. There’s really not much point to this asset in it’s current state if you are planing on doing anything Android / Midi Interface related. Even if developing for other platforms, with no support you are on your own.
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Works great! But has potential Mac build issue
2 years ago
VonWeaselon previous version 2021.2.11
Example demo scenes are perfect for learning how to use.
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Great functionality, wish to see better documentation
2 years ago
marvpaulon previous version 2020.1.3
The functionality of this asset is just great. Use it in production for MIDI device interaction on iOS and Android and it works great. Even though, it was a bit tricky to set up because a detailed documentation was missing as far as I can see.
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namespace name AudioSynthesis could not be found
3 years ago
suragodon previous version 2021.2
Now I can't run this component. some function is not finish.
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After updating to iOS 15
3 years ago
moplay_shon previous version 2020.1.3
After updating to iOS 15, MIDI connection is not smooth. Sometimes it connects and sometimes it doesn't. What is the solution?
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Reply from publisher:
replied 3 years ago
Just pushed MIDIUnfied 2021.2 Please let me know if it is better now. Thanks.
Maybe good maybe not
3 years ago
justtimeon previous version 2020.1.3
Sadly, but it's not possible to contact the author.
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awesome !!!
4 years ago
Eric_Sarrazinon previous version 2020.1.3
La documentation laisse un peu à désirée, par contre les exemples sont claire et bien décrit.
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