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"Now We're Talking!" provides a fast way for low polygon characters to have automatic animated mouth movements, in real-time, synchronised to voice clips. It has some other special features too!
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
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This is essentailly a code based asset, so with a little consideration of the materials we include, changing to URP is the usual editor upgrade. HDRP has not been tested, but with the right materials it should be quite easy to adapt.


Chatterware presents: 'Now We're Talking!' The great new way to give your low polygon characters a voice, so to speak!

Now We're Talking! (NWT) automatically animates mouths in real-time.

These mouths are overlaid onto your character's faces to give the impression they are speaking.

Simple to set up:

(1) add the NWT prefab

(2) line up the Lips_Pivot object

(3) add a voice clip to the NPC_Phase list

(4) set 'Play Phase' checkbox (add a tick)

your character is now ready to talk!

Please join our community channels:

Discord: https://discord.gg/TaRAvGn3HK

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSWf81FabHihyhWfoMGZwyA

Twitter: chatterware_uk

from v 1.08 added control to allow follow on voice clips using a simple addition to a vocie clips filename ( '++' ), also fixed a small index bug.

from v1.07 additional integration with Pixel Crushers Dialogue System - includes NWT Phases.

from v1.06 compatibility with Adventure Creator.

from v1.05 use LIVE microphone input to drive NWT mouths.

from v1.04 they are ready to integrate with Pixel Crushers Dialogue System.

When it is the character's turn to speak, activate their NWT_PlayAudio gameobject.

YouTube tutorials are available and will have you up and running in very little time ( in under 3 minutes )

We also have a Discord channel, where the community can share ideas, post requests.

'Now We're Talking!' comes with a few sample audio clips taken from our "Pirate Voice Pack" and our "Farmers Voice Pack" to get you started.

Multiple Synty Studios packs were used by kind permission, to create examples of "Now We're Talking!" in use.


Q. What is NWT?

A. NWT is a Unity prefab which is added onto a game character, vehicle, animal, or animation rig bone (such as a head bone).

Q. Does NWT work with other Unity Assets, like Adventure Creator, Game Creator, RPGBuilder and other assets?

A. Yes. NWT works in a none intrusive way, it looks after itself and only requires you to add voice clips and activate/deactivate the NWT_PlayAudio gameobject. It will work with any Unity based asset. If you are not sure, just ask us on the Discord.

Q. How do you use NWT?

A. Any low polygon character, animal, vehicle, robot, object can have the NWT_Prefab attached to it. The prefab overlays a mouth shape onto the surface of that character and is controlled by activating a gameobject. As long as you can activate a gameobject then you can use NWT.

Q. How does NWT work?

A. Add the NWT_Prefab onto a game character, vehicle, animal, or animation rig bone (such as a head bone). Then add a voice clip for every line of script the character has to speak individually, to the prefab in the NPC_Phases samples list. To activate a voice clip (in the order of the list) simply set the correct 'Play Phase' and activate the NWT_PlayAudio gameobject. Once the line of speech has finished playing, simply deactivate and re-activate the NWT_PlayAudio gameobject to activate the next line in the list/script.

Q. Can you move the NWT mouth shape?

A. Yes. The NWT mouth shape is controlled by the LipsPivot gameobject. You can scale, position and rotate the LipsPivot gameobject to where you want the mouth shape to appear on your character.

Q. How many mouth shapes come supplied with NWT?

A. At the launch of Now We're Talking! we supply three mouth shapes to cover different types of characters. For cartoon characters, mouth shape 1 is often found to be more appropriate. Mouth shape 2 is good for hidden mouths, like behind a beard or perhaps for 'teethy' mouths. It is also excellent for mechanical characters, sci-fi or robotic characters, vehicles, large objects such as buildings or rock formations, wherever your imagination takes you. Mouth shape 3 is very much for most low polygon characters, both male and female. It offers a more fluid and normal shaped mouth.

Now We're Talking!

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