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A relativistic squash-and-stretch jigglebone physics solution for characters in Unity.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

While the majority of the software is SRP agnostic, the softbody portion of it requires Shader Graph or Amplify Shader Editor* knowledge in order to use properly.

Default shaders are not included for every pipeline and the user is expected to create their own using the included tools and instructions.

* Amplify Shader Editor is not included.


Before you buy

JigglePhysics is not designed to directly affect rigidbodies.

This tool is for adding extra motion to already existing characters and objects.

The softbody portion of JigglePhysics requires Shader Graph or Amplify Shader Editor knowledge to use properly.

Shader Graph is incapable of creating shaders for the Built-in render pipeline.

The squash and stretch is not volume preserving, and is designed as a tetriary movement.

An accurate verlet integrated solution

A fully relativistic jiggle bone system! Allow characters to ride vehicles and elevators without having bones sag behind permanently.

Position based physics allows for simple configuration, almost all expressions of stretchy bouncy physics represented with easy to configure zero to one parameters.

Squash and stretch! Bone chains stretch, meshes squash. Can be used on entire skeletons to give just a little bit of cartoony overshoot for character animations.

Tight Unity integration

Fully supports animated characters and objects. Animated bones are used as a reference pose, where jiggle bones will try to match them.

Jiggle bone simulation runs on FixedUpdate, and are extrapolated in LateUpdate. This allows the jiggle bones to be both super stable-- as well as being buttery smooth on display (in most configurations).

ScriptableObject-based configuration

  • Easily create and share presets across many prefabs and even projects!
  • Configure shared settings all simultaneously, in and out of the editor, the changes always stick since they live outside the scene.
  • Create configurable blends, changing proportions of a character and the jiggle settings with it.
  • Capable of creating recursive blends, for the really complex character slider configurations.

Unity Forum Thread

Technical details


  • Supports per-bone squash and stretch, as well as per-vertex squash and stretch.
  • Realistically relativistic! Elevators, trains, and vehicles won't leave jigglebones permanently trailing behind.
  • Works seamlessly on physics objects without jitter, with no configuration!
  • Supports animated skeletons, JigglePhysics uses it as a target reference pose.
  • Realtime rig scaling support, freely change character proportions on the fly.
  • ScriptableObject-based configuration, share settings across projects and prefabs.

Jiggle Physics

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File size
19.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 19, 2022
Original Unity version
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