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If you are looking for a way to capture and modify skeletal movements of a model at runtime or in Editor, this plugin is the perfect solution for your needs.

This plugin allows you to capture the skeletal movements of a model in real-time or in Unity Editor, modify and save them as animations for future use. Whether you're developing a game or an interactive application, this tool will streamline your animation workflow.

Version Differences

  • Pro Version: Full functionality, including FBX export, blendshapes recording, and VR samples.
  • Lite Version: Limited to JSON serialization and generic Animation Clips.

There are following ways to save captured movements:

  • JSON serialization
  • creating generic Animation Clip

Primary Use Cases

  • Animation editor: Modify existing animations.
  • Combine Animations: Merge several animations into a single one.
  • Create Animation Packs: Develop new animations or static pose packs.
  • VR Body Tracking: Generate animations from body tracking in VR applications.
  • Debugging Tool: Debug in-game movements effectively.

Getting Started

  1. Open and run an Assets/DevEloop/AnimationRecorder/Scenes/1-EditorModeRecordingSample.unity sample scene.
  2. Open the Animation Recorder Window (Window -> Animation -> Animation Recorder).
  3. Select an object with Animator.
  4. Press the Run Animator button to start animation and record it.
  5. Press the Stop Animator button to stop recording.
  6. Modify the captured movements if needed.
  7. Create a generic Animation Clip.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [dev.eloop@outlook.com]. We greatly appreciate your suggestions and feedback, as they help us improve our plugin.

Technical details

Supported platforms:

  • JSON serialization is supported on all platforms
  • Generic Animation Clip can be created in Unity Editor

Detailed docmentation can be found in Assets/DevEloop/AnimationRecorder/Documentation/documentation.html

Animation Recorder Lite

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License type
File size
14.0 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 24, 2025
Original Unity version
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