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The asset was made mainly to simulation purposes and allows user to study fire spread on specific terrain & specific weather conditions.
The asset consist of simple terrain generator which allows to generate random terrain, terrain with lake or rivers.
Both fire spread simulation and terrain generator are separated and can be extracted, so they can be used independly in your game.
Inside the asset you will find some basic models which are:

Green Tree: 796 Verts, 750 Faces, 1500 Tris with basic material without texture,

Dead Tree: 576 Verts, 552 Faces, 1104 Tris with basic material without texture,

Low poly dead & green tree: 41 Verts, 32 Faces, 64 Tris with basic texture 1024x1024 px,

Ground & water field: 41 Verts, 32 Faces, 64 Tris with basic texture 1024x1024 px.

In the asset you will also find simple fire prefab which is based on particle system & fire texture 512x512 px.

Movie show Unity 3D cellular automaton asset which simulates spread of the fire in generated forest area. The states of living and dead (burnt) trees, water and soil were taken into account. Of these states, only a living tree may be caught on fire.
The following factors were taken into account in the principles of evolution: the initial number of fire outbreaks, the fire lifetime (tree burning time), the respawn time of a burnt tree, the level of air humidity, the probability of self-ignition, air temperature, wind speed and its direction.

Fire Spread Simulation - cellural automaton

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File size
4.8 MB
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Latest release date
Mar 31, 2021
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