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Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.45f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
2019.4.34f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Only 2021.3 LTS versions.
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With this Tool, you can create any A.I. for your 2D games using a Node-based editor, an expansible and performant framework, and powerful features to make your workflow easy and fast. It doesn't limit your imaginations: From designers to Programmers, this Tool offers access to built-in states, event-driven nodes, faster workflow, and robust APIs.
Take a look at the documentation website.
This tool is used to build the enemies of the game SHIRO, and you can wishlist it on Steam.
Check the Tool's showcase.
It uses the power of scriptable objects and editor extensions to improve workflow and expedite the design process of creating 2D artificial intelligence. You can have functional character movement, combat, and interactions in minutes.
You'll have access to a powerful node editor to visualize how the character's behavior will be executed. Also, the framework is expansible, allowing you to add your behaviors and features and make things just like you want.
When the Tool is installed, you'll have access to an editor for generating a template prefab with all the required components inside a folder; after that, you can open the "EntityGraph" of your prefab that is located in the same folder to show the Node-based editor, so you can start adding the behaviors of your character, check the documentation for more information.
- Plug and play: You need no configuration to make the tool work.
- Easy to use: Click 'Generate entity' on the Entity editor to get a pre-configured GameObject with all the required components and files. Next, you must add the logic into the entity using a Node editor.
- Comes with 27 ready-to-use behaviors: Patrolling, following targets, shooting projectiles, Attacks using animation, dodging, and much more.
- It is easy to create your behavior by following the documentation tutorial.
- Well-optimized for all platforms.
- Uses the best solution for targets and environment detection.
- It can be combined with your components to make things work like you need.
- Documented C# API
- Full access to source code. Don't be limited to what the tool offers; add your behaviors, methods, logic, and anything you need.
- With this Tool, you aren't limited to only making enemies. You can create NPC movement behavior by making it run from hostile characters, following a player, to being a companion to fight along with the player, and much more.
- Create bosses with challenging behaviors and tons of possible moves.
- Create characters that can be part of a faction and make rival factions attack each other.
- A.I. that can interact with the environment using event-based nodes.
The Tool uses a third-party custom editor to make the inspectors easy to read and with a professional look; at the moment, it is not compatible with NaughtyAttributes, and having both installed may cause each other not to work correctly. Also, CorgiEngine2D has the same node editor; the one I provide is modified to work better with the 2D AI Tool framework. Having the CorgiEngine2D ones installed will create compiler errors.
For Odin users, please disable the Odin inspector on any script that contains the "AI2DTool" and "MaykerStudio" namespaces.
This asset uses NasMeshPlus under MIT;
XNode under MIT;
Editor-Toolbox under MIT;
Audio files and sprites under CC0;
You can find the above frameworks in Github for free.
See the Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.