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Start your naval combat project with this asset which includes basic mechanics found in games with warships of the 20th century, such as ship buoyancy, movement, ballistics and armor penetration.

The asset is created for developers, engineers and programmers who wish to build on the basics provided in the codebase. It's meant to be tweaked and modified to become what you need it to be, while saving you time and effort developing features.

It features armor penetration mechanics, turret rotation and elevation mechanics, basic ballistics, AI and ship buoyancy along with some other useful things.

Technical details

- Basic infinite ocean with elements from Unity Standard Assets

- Modular battleship model with moveable parts

- Basic physics ship movement

- Basic UIwith speed indicator, throttle, reload rate and health

- Ballistics including weapon properties

- Turret system with elevation and traverse

- Turret traverse limits and rotation using fastest route

- Ballistic aimingusing range to target

- Buoyancy model using probes which can be damaged

- Simulation of sinking and capsizing depending on damage to buoyancy probes

- Armor model: penetration mechanics depending on mass, speed and impact vector

- Implementation of armor thickness corresponding to different texture color

- Visual representation of shell trajectory

- Basic AI which can follow waypoints

- Basic turret AI which can engage the closest target

- Turrets will not fire through superstructure – automatic detection

- Timewarp with UI buttons

- Modular codebase – use what you need, remove what you don’t, modify everything

Warship Development Kit

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
32.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Dec 2, 2024
Original Unity version
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