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The VR Interaction Framework makes it easy to create your own interactive objects and be productive quickly. This framework will give you the foundation you need to create polished VR experiences.
VRIF supports all Unity compatible VR Headsets such as the Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 4, Rift-S, HTC Vive, Valve Index, Windows Mixed Reality (WMR), and Pico Headsets. Full support for the Unity Input System,OpenXR, XRInput, and SteamVR. VRIF also supports adding your own input provider, if you do not have a device listed above.
This asset is loaded with example prefabs and modular components. There is extensive documentation and an active, supportive community. Some of VRIF's highlights include :
- Full body avatars
- Fully-Featured Hand Posing plugin with Auto Posing functionality and 40+ example hand poses. Preview and edit poses in Editor or Play Mode.
- Physical Grabbing and Throwing of objects
- Buttons, Knobs, Levers, Sliders, Doors, Joysticks, and other physically activated objects
- A VR Emulator so you can test your project without having to put your headset on.
- Smooth Locomotion and Teleport, with Snap Turning and Smooth Turn options
- Loads of custom, high quality models and textures ready for VR
- Weapon system with attachments, recoil, two-handed options, and more
- Custom PlayerController that utilizes Unity's CharacterController (can be swapped out with your own). Also includes a Rigidbody player.
- Climbing
- Custom World-Based UI System
- Snap Zones - Super modular : Make Equipment slots, inventory systems and more
- Bow and arrow physics (arrows can be picked up and re-shot)
- Advanced gun handling / physics. Spin revolvers, crack open shotguns.
- "Flick" remote grab type (aka "Gravity Gloves"
- Two Handed Weapons such as Pump Action Shotgun and Marksman Rifle
- Hand Jet (like a jetpack, but in your hands!)
- Grappling Hooks
- Slow time
-A Marker and Whiteboard example
- XR Hand Tracking Demo - Grab Objects and Draw in the air with your fingers
- Simple Damage System with Destructible Objects
- Moving Platform Support
- 3D Markers - Draw on objects
- Integrated FinalIK / VRIK support with detailed examples
Latest Features :
- Full Body Avatar example
- Mirror Networking Support
- Enterable Vehicles
- Revamped Grab Physics
- WebXR support (beta)
- Arm Swinging Locomotion
- CurvedUI Integration
- Invector AI Integration
- Photon integration : A networked example with synched hands, animations, and Grabbable physics objects.
- Added additional 2-Handed FinalIK Integration Example
This package is updated frequently.
This asset uses Oculus hand and controller models under Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
VR Interaction Framework