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NOW INCLUDING v2.5 EarlyAccess
- Precise authoritative movement and client-side prediction
- Automatic adjustment of interpolation and prediction values based on latency to server
- Very flexible and efficient Area-of-interest feature

Download the FREE DEV demo with limited usability/functionality!
DEV Demo of version 2.5 EarlyAccess: Core ~500KB, Core + ~1GB demo scene

Try here our playable LIVE demo connected to an MMO server!

2/8/2019 Announcement: From this point on please only use the early access version which comes as separate .unitypackage file with the download. The "standard" version which comes with the package will be declared obsolete soon, and will be replaced.
2/7/2019 News to celebrate we're coming out of alpha/EA:
New epic demo scene incoming + getting a lot of questions about uMMO+UNet: never worry, we got you covered ;)
1/28/2019 News: Uploaded small compatibility update v2.5.3 EA for all those experiencing problems in Unity 2018.x
1/28/2019 News: Read part 2 of the step-by-step tutorial on syncing custom characters.
12/19/2018 News: v2.5.2 EA published with minor fix for Unity 2018.x
11/28/2018 News: Read our latest tutorial on setting up a custom character (with authoritative movement=nearly uncheatable).
10/24/2018 News: v2.5.1 Early Access and free LIVE demo published
We are very actively working on uMMO. Follow our Twitter for all relevant news!

Support (Email and Skype)
Written Tutorial: Syncing a custom character: part 1, part 2
1h+ Feature Overview Video Tutorial
Authoritative Setup+General Do's and Don'ts Video Tutorial

Unity 2017.x ready
Unity 2018.x ready

Welcome to uMMO - Sizable usability- and feature upgrades + issuefixing for native Unity Networking (since 2014)

No hard CCU limit! Ever! You can host a local server for testing and later host the actual live server yourself (Linux and Windows supported, no additional software needed at all) or just let us host it! Its your choice completely. Runs in Unity Personal and Pro (and Plus)!

Would you like to host your own dedicated game server? Do you aim for maximum privacy and control?
Do you need a networking framework that is easy to use and highly maintainable?
Do you need a networking framework that is flexible with outstanding support?
If you answer any of these questions positively, uMMO is the perfect tool for you!
Game servers hosting by yourself (on-premise) or as a service.

Tip for those of you with experience in UNET: Tired of unstable SyncVars and SyncLists in UNET? uMMO has it's own, more flexible and more stable way of easily synchronizing variables while still using native UNET. And for those who even remember working with the old (now depricated/obsolete) Unity networking system: Yes, buffered variable sync and one-liner de-/serialization are integrated again. All while taking advantage of the benefits of UNET, and bypassing many of it's problems.

Made With A Passion For Maintainability
With ONE click change object configuration logic. We believe we took the effort to create a very intuitive comprehensible and reliable developer interface: Easily add movement interpolation to make remote controlled characters appear just like locally controlled ones. Furthermore uMMO features automatic synchronization of animations with ONE click: that means no separate network controllers for animations necessary anymore! Legacy and Mecanim are supported natively! Using drag and drop you easily decide which scripts are being executed on server or clients. Either for the local client who controls your player object or scripts that are applicable for the characters who are controlled by players half-way around the world. This way script separation is being encouraged - even for highly custom and complex MMOs - which greatly benefits maintainability of your project.

Design server and client in the same scene at the same time!
Because of our approach data models do not have to be synchronized anymore: uMMO is the best tool for rapid prototyping especially for open world MMOs. Although you deploy the same scene to server and client you can completely hide code from the client he shouldn't see using built-in server and client code separation. Because of the full control you have over your project and over what happens on server and client we were able to provide you with REAL authoritative MMO capabilities while giving you maximum flexiblity.

Integrate most character controller with absolute ease (authoritative server and local player-authority)
Character/Player controller setups are different. We know that. And we built uMMO around that fact. One example is how easy it is to configure your character for authoritative movement. In many setups you only need to do 2 things:

1. If you have a controller script which looks like this:
public class MyPlayerController: NetworkBehaviour { (or MonoBehaviour for that matter)
change it to this:
public class MyPlayerController: SoftRare.Net.PlayerAction {
2. Change your Input collecting code lines from this:
Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); to this: uMMOInput.GetAxis("Horizontal");

Continue using ANY native UNET feature.
uMMO uses 100% native Unity networking code and does not limit your options.

Example 1: uMMO works with and without "local player authority" setting of the NetworkIdentity component (part of native Unity Networking, aka UNET) and takes it into account.
Example 2: Do you use any other 3rd party asset/own solution which is utilizing UNET? uMMO will integrate seemlessly, and you can make use of any uMMO functionality while working with that other asset.
Example 3: Somethings not working? Search for solutions on the web: All UNET solutions will also work with uMMO.

Works in Unity Personal, Plus and Pro! Works on all Mono-enabled platforms which support UNET. Specifically tested on: standalone Windows/Linux (works with and without headless server), Android.
Because of a bug in Unity does not yet work with IL2CPP, Unity knows the bug and is working on it.

Whats more?
- NEW in v2.5 EarlyAccess: Precise authoritative movement and client-side prediction
- NEW in v2.5 EarlyAccess: Efficient and easy to use area-of-interest management
- NEW in v2.5 EarlyAccess: Automatic adjustment of interpolation and prediction values based on latency to server
- uMMO does not send you in any particular direction gameplay-wise: Build MMORPG, MMOFPS, MMORTS, ...
- Powerful input engine: Automatic input synchronization between server and client (authoritative server setup)
- Tired of unstable SyncVars and SyncLists? uMMO has it's own, more flexible and more stable way of easily synchronizing variables while still using native UNET
- Powerful plugin engine: Drag and drop configuration! Also: Define your own plugins easily!
- Own system for network time syncronization
- Powerful and proven serialization engine: Serialize everything out-of-the-box: Even nested dictionaries! - Instantiate players as well as NPCs (non-player characters)
- 100% native Unity network code: convert your existing singleplayer AND multiplayer game for use with uMMO easily!
- Server-client code separation
- 100% object-oriented and well-structured C# code.
- every feature/property in this package is documented with in-Editor documentation via MouseOver-hints.
- more inside, and even more to come. ATTENTION: Releases containing new features are likely to increase package price.

Short-term targets:
- Tutorials, written documentation
- New epic demo scene
Mid-term targets:
- chat
- portals to switch between servers
Long-term targets:
- own ORM layer (actually years in the making): Database integration (ANY relational, ADO-supported, database engine)
- login


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File size
255.7 MB
Latest version
2.1.5 alpha+2.5.3 EA
Latest release date
Feb 11, 2019
Original Unity version
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