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Create, manage, and track quests effortlessly with MissionFlow! This advanced Unity quest engine & objective manager streamlines development, making immersive storytelling easier than ever.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Boost your game's quest system with MissionFlow! A powerful quest engine & objective manager for Unity, featuring dynamic quest creation, tracking, and seamless integration. Elevate player engagement today!

Supported Render Pipelines:

✅ Standard/Built-In

✅ Universal

✅ Hdrp

For a list of features, see Technical Details

Technical details

📜 QuestManager.cs

  • Manages quest lifecycle: tracks active/completed quests, updates UI, and handles quest progression.
  • Supports various quest types:
    🗣️ Dialogue: Requires interacting with specific NPCs.
    📍 Location: Navigate to a target GameObject.
    AreaWait: Stay in a trigger zone for a set time.
    🛒 Collect: Gather items matching quest requirements.
    ⚔️ Kill: Defeat enemies (logic partially stubbed).
  • Uses coroutines for timed events (e.g., dialogue typing, area wait timer).
  • Validates NPC interactions only for active Dialogue quests.

🎮 PlayerInteraction.cs

  • Raycasts to detect interactable NPCs (tagged "Dialogue").
  • 🔴 Updates crosshair color (red/white) to indicate interaction availability.
  • Triggers NPC dialogue on Mouse0 press.

🗣️ NPCInteraction.cs

  • Attached to NPCs with dialogue lines.
  • Communicates with QuestManager to start quest-specific dialogues.

⏳ AreaWaitTrigger.cs

  • Attached to trigger zones for AreaWait quests.
  • Starts a timer when the player enters the zone; resets on exit.
  • Completes quest after the required wait time.

🛒 CollectibleItem.cs & CollectSystem.cs

  • CollectibleItem: Defines collectible objects (e.g., "Health Pack").
  • CollectSystem:
    Raycasts to detect collectibles (tagged "Collectable").
    Validates items against the active Collect quest's requirements.
    Tracks collected quantities and auto-completes quests when the target is met.
    🔴 Crosshair feedback for valid items.

🔧 Key Interactions

  • QuestManager centralizes logic, validates quest conditions, and updates UI.
  • PlayerInteraction and CollectSystem use raycasting for real-time object detection.
  • AreaWaitTrigger and CollectSystem enforce quest-specific restrictions (e.g., only collect required items during Collect quests).
  • Dialogue and quest completion trigger UI animations (e.g., "Task Completed" popup).

⚙️ Technical Notes

  • Uses Unity UI (Canvas, TextMeshPro) for quest/dialogue displays.
  • Coroutines handle asynchronous tasks (e.g., typing text, timers).
  • Singleton pattern in CollectSystem for global item tracking.
  • Event-driven design (e.g., quest completion triggers next quest automatically).

🎯 Core Purpose
A modular quest system enabling diverse objectives (dialogue, exploration, collection) with UI integration, validation checks, and seamless progression.

🎮 Player Controller Systems:

  • Energy System: Manage stamina or other resources during gameplay.
  • 👣 Footstep System: Adds immersive footstep sounds based on player movement and surface type.
  • 🔻 Crouch System: Customizable crouching options, with support for both “hold to crouch” and “press to crouch.”
  • 🖱️ Mouse Look System: Advanced mouse look controls with head bobbing for first-person perspective.

MissionFlow - Quest Engine & Objective Manager

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라이선스: Single Entity
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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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2025년 2월 20일
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