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Pixel Physics for your Unity games! With Corgi Pixel Physics, you can easily create pixel physics games within Unity!

This style of physics is also known as Falling Sands, a subset of cellular automata simulations. It's been used in games like Powder Toy and more recently Noita.

* Fully utilizes multithreading via the Job System
* The simulation is 100% Burst-compiled!
* Easily customizable for quality.
* Easily add and remove pixel materials / elements without any programming. It's also very easy to script new ones, as they are just a list of Scriptable Objects.
* Infinite world system already made for you as an example on how to do it. It uses a floating origin to avoid any Unity precision errors.
* Saving and loading chunks of the world async supported! (PC only, but easy to add your own for any platform)
* Example chunk generation code, so you can quickly get to work on expanding your world.
* Novel temperature system, for more advanced physics interactions than you would normally see in a Falling Sands style simulation.
* A simple character controller to move around the world.
* Options for automatically generating both 2d and 3d collision meshes, so you can interact with the world!
* Async samplers so you can access data from outside of the physics system.
* Async writers so you can stamp data from outside the system into the system.

Want to test the performance for yourself on your own PC? PC demo here: https://uploads.coty.tips/CorgiFallingSands.zip

Documentation here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hrCS-AAKGZqBvHIVWW0rsbe4J9bgTo7NCJKQh9We_7Y/

Corgi Pixel Physics - Falling Sands Physics!

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Corgi Pixel Physics - Falling Sands Physics!