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UGUI Scroll List. It's easy to understand how Scroll Container works. It's based on UGUI ScrollRect. There are many examples that make you easy to understand how to use it and how it works in different situation.
- LancherScene.scene
- TopToBottomScene.scene
- BottomToTopScene.scene
- LeftToRightScene.scene
- RightToLeftScene.scene
- ChangeItemSizeScene.scene
- ChatMessageListScene.scene
- GridViewScene.scene
- HorizontalGalleryDemoScene.scene
- VerticalGalleryDemoScene.scene
- PageVeiwDemoScene.scene
- SpinDatePickerScene.scene
- SelectAndDeleteOrMoveScene.scene
- ClickAndLoadMoreScene.scene
- HorizontalScrollContainer.cs and VerticalScrollContainer.cs can be used to create single row or colume scroll list
- HorizontalGridScrollContainer.cs and VerticalGridScrollContainer.cs can be used to create gridview scroll list
- Item in different size(height/width)(Not support in GridScrollContainer)
- Item with different prefab
- Vertical Layout Scroll List(Top To Bottom, Bottom To Top)
- Horizontal Layout Scroll List(Left To Right, Right To Left)
- Support correction move behaviour after scrolling
- Support scrollable setting when content is smaller than basic content size
- Support nested scroll container scrolling
- Support Begin Offset and Space setting
- Support item size change at runtime(Not support in GridScrollContainer)
- Support insert, delete and moveto item operations
- Support ScrollContainer create and destroy simulation in Editor Mode(Custom Inspector)
- Use GameObject Pool and ObjectPool to optimize performance
- Platform-independent
- Unity platforms(IOS/Android/Mac/PC/Console/Winphone/WebGL...) support
- Demos and full C# source code
PS: If you any questions, please mail to huantang0529@gmail.com