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A fast-paced hyper casual game where you run, collect water-filled items, and take flight to extinguish wildfires!
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Pilot Runner 3D - Game Template

Take on an exciting challenge in Pilot Runner 3D! 🏃💨 Collect water-filled items, avoid obstacles, and hop on a plane to extinguish raging forest fires! 🌲🔥 Master your movements, double your collected items, and soar through the skies to save the jungle.

🎮Check out the demos:

Key Features:

Fast-Paced Action – Run, dodge, and fly with precision.

Collect & Extinguish – Gather water packs and put out fires.

Plane Variety – Choose from 4 unique planes ready for action.

Level-Ready – Includes 2 fully designed levels for instant play.

Easy Customization – Modify assets and create new gameplay elements effortlessly.

📂 Project Highlights:

🎨 Art Assets – 12 materials, 9 PNG textures, and 7 UI sprites.

🔧 Prefabs – 43 ready-to-use, customizable prefabs for characters, environments, and UI.

🖥️ Scenes – Two fully playable sample levels for quick setup.

📜 Scripts – 26 optimized and clean scripts for smooth gameplay.

📧 Support

For any questions or assistance, send us a message through our website: blackrosedevelopers.com

Technical details


Art folder is subdivided into five folders.

A. Materials

Contains 12 various materials used in the game, which can be customized with different colours or sprites.

B. Models:

Contains 4 unique 3D models of objects in the game (FBX)

C. Textures:

Contains 9 textures of models that can be applied to materials (PNG)

D. Animations:

Contains 5 different character animations

E. Sprites:

Contains 7 UI buttons and images (PNG)

2. Prefabs

The Prefabs folder includes six main categories:

- Gameplay: 17 prefabs of different objects in gameplay for level design.

- Particles: 8 unique particle effects with different materials.

- RoadParts: 6 prefabs of road parts for the character and plane

- UI: 7 prefabs of the game menus.

- Planes: 4 different plane prefabs.

- Player: The main prefab of the game character.

3. Scenes

- SampleScene-1: the sample level of the game.

- SampleScene-2: the sample level of the game with 2 planes.

4. ScriptableObjects

3 different scriptable objects namely Data Storage, Gameplay Data and UI Data to save and load game data.

5. Scripts

26 Scripts are categorized into four folders, with clear names and functions to ensure easy understanding.

Pilot Runner 3D - Game Template

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