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This package allows the user to fly in a VR space environment . The user is sitting in a futuristic space ship model and controls the movement using a VR headset.
The ship can move in the 3D space by looking up, down left and right and rolling the head. The joystick moves automatically when moving the head. The game is over when you crash. The user can shoot simulated asteroids that explode and create smaller debris.

This package includes:
- 3D models of the ship, the environment, asteroids,lasers, and skybox. All futuristic.
- Textures and materials lasers and and other objects.
- Game manager which controls the evolution of the game and restarts it.
- Player script to control the ship.
- Scripts that manage the creation of smaller debris.
- Checkpoint script that changes the material of the checkpoint when the player gets to it.
- A main scene with the basic space game.
-All gameobjects have a futuristic style.

This package works with the “google cardboard” for UNITY that must be downloaded first using the following link:
download cardboard SDK

- Compatible with Cardboard Version SDK = "2018".

Cardboard VR Space Controller

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File size
1.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Aug 20, 2018
Original Unity version
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