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Good old low resolution, led/LCD style dot matrix display. Works with Unity 5.1 and up, but fully compatible with all Unity version up to newest Unity 2020.

Add display to your clock, elevator or cashier machine. Scrolling text advertisements to side of the buildings, timer to your time bomb, led road signs, or scoreboard to your game. This display have many uses. Supports also optional simulated real life problems, such as broken pixels and lagging (frozen display), for extra realism.

Easy to use controller class lets you to give commands like "scroll text from right to left and stop at center" and let the display do its thing. But display can be also accessed directly dot by dot, and content can be updated on every frame.

Four different type of displays are included:
- Flat sprite-based display for 3D and 2D worlds
- Image-based display to be used as UI element
- Display where dots are either rotating or material changing 3D-objects
- Display that draws to Texture2D which can be used as any texture

Just drag and drop prefab to your scene and use custom made Unity inspector window to customize appearance for your needs. UI version of display will automatically reposition and resize itself if display size or device orientation changes, like any Unity UI component.

Three different size fonts are provided. Default 7 dot high font contains most of the typical characters and symbols, including many special characters used in major Western European languages. Big 9 dot high font also includes lower case letters. Small 5 dot high font contains basic upper-case characters.

Please note that this package does not contain any 3D-models (like borders or background for the display), just the display itself and all the scripts to control it. Also shader for texture based display.

All public classes have full, inline C# documentation. Documentation is also online so you can check the suitability for you before purchasing:

DotMatrix Display

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Jan 20, 2021
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