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The game idea was inspired by the reading of "Thinking, Fast and Slow".
He wants to give a simple demonstration of how we are often biased in making choices.
If you are interested you can go into that reading this paper:
Choices, Values, and Frames
and this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_aversion

The game consists of choosing between two different bets. After which the computer makes its choice always using the same simple formula. The events that determine the bet are generated and you gain or lose the difference. If you get $ 2,000 win, if you lose you get $ -2000.

The code of this simple game can be a good basis for a logical or mathematical game. In creating the game I tried to make the code clear and readable. To do this I used techniques such as the extension of classes, overriding methods and polymorphism.

You can view the operation and structure of the game in the demo video .

Can You Beat The Machine ?

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