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This package contains an implementation of Discrete Bayesian Network in C#. It only accept nodes with a discrete distribution.
Bayesian Network is a way to represent probability tables and the relationships between them. It is usually used by AIs when uncertainties are involved. For example, an AI can use a Bayesian Network to calculate the probability of winning based on the evidence it collects.
The example scene is created in Unity 5.0. As a result, it is not backward compatible with older versions of Unity. However, I have confirmed that the code successfully compiled in Unity 4.6
Bayesian Network is a way to represent probability tables and the relationships between them. It is usually used by AIs when uncertainties are involved. For example, an AI can use a Bayesian Network to calculate the probability of winning based on the evidence it collects.
The example scene is created in Unity 5.0. As a result, it is not backward compatible with older versions of Unity. However, I have confirmed that the code successfully compiled in Unity 4.6
Discrete Bayesian Network
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Latest release date
Oct 13, 2017
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