Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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Every asset moderated by Unity
We believe making games should be simple, intuitive and fun. For this is the very reason why we believe in using the Unity game engine. We believe Unity can become even better by community created assets to extend the abilities of Unity. We extend Unity with great tools that are easy to use.
GIF To Sprite And Animation adds Unity support for GIF importing. In One click convert your GIF files to usable animation clip and texture files for game development. If the GIF is named "prefabName_animationName" and apply animation is checked the usable animation clip will be applied to the prefab's animator automatically
Note: This tool is currently not supported on Mac. There is a library used that currently causes errors on Mac platform. (Thanks Edward Rowe for the heads up on this)
Be sure and try our free Sprite To Prefab tool.
This asset is included in the 2D Spriteline package. Save time and money on the combined deal by getting 2D Spriteline today!
GIF To Sprite And Animation