Over 11,000 five-star assets
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Update: Flat top helmet added
Item list: (Item name, lod0 lod1 lod2)
Flat top, 949 517 237
Vatslav helmet, 742 462 168
Coif, 1238 942 348
Coif with faceguard, 1246 984 436
Round kettle helmet, 1392 980 457
Chapel de fer, 1568 1211 464
Kettle hat, 1344 940 430
Simple helmet, 1348 999 520
Chapel de fer round, 1456 870 586
Bascinet, 1110 752 372
Pointy bascinet, 1196 826 403
Norman helmet, 646 460 286
Leather straps, 468 313 113
2 Coifs with leather straps
2 Painted helmets with 4 paint variants each
7 Plain metal helmets
32 possible item combinations
1k PBR-ready texture maps for each helmet
Maps for both Specular and Metallic workflows
5 bonus knight symbols
Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, requests or complaints C:
Medieval Helmet Collection