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Easy to use, comes with examples you can build upon. Open door, turn on light or radio, open drawer, inspect painting, unlock padlock, read note, pick up, use and inspect item. Anything you need.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

The system works with Netcode for GameObjects.

The system was made using Universal Render Pipeline (URP). You need to update materials if you want to use it with other render pipeline.

To maximize interactivity and immersion I recommend combining Multiplayer Interaction And Inventory System with Explosions And Fire System.

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Multiplayer Interaction And Inventory System is perfect solution for boosting interactivity in first person multiplayer games like co-op, horror, puzzle games. It's plug and play, clean, easy to understand and easy to expand, beginner friendly. For most use cases no coding necessary. System comes with many examples for varius interactions which can be easly reused and adjusted for your needs. You can easly run your code using UnityEvents.

Technical details

All of the features below are easy to set up with just a few clicks. You can build upon them by creating your own scripts. The system is made in a way that is easy to understand and expand. All of the interactions are synchronized between server and clients by the system.

  • World interactions - e.g. opening doors, turning radio on/off, opening drawers
  • Reading notes - e.g. click on a text on a wall and a UI will pop up with the text
  • Focus interactions - e.g. zoom in on a padlock or a keypad so you can enter the code, focus on a painting
  • Picking up items - e.g. flashlights, keys, notes or anything you create
  • Using items - e.g. turn flashlight on/off, light a lighter
  • Reading notes (from inventory) - with note selected press a key and a UI will pop up with the text
  • Inspecting items - rotate an item in front of camera so you can get better look at it
  • Drop items - drop items

The package comes with examples for the following interactions:

  • door
  • drawer
  • flashlight
  • note
  • padlock
  • switch and lamp
  • radio

Multiplayer Interaction And Inventory System

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Latest release date
Dec 25, 2024
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Multiplayer Interaction And Inventory System